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Seasons And Weather - Length of Day
It's too bright to see stars during the day. We have to wait until night, when the Sun has gone down and it gets dark.

Seasons And Weather - Length of Day

This quiz addresses the requirements of the National Curriculum KS1 Science for children aged 5 and 6 in years 1 and 2. Specifically this quiz is aimed at the section dealing with seasons and the weather and how day length varies in the different months of the year.

When will it go dark? Not only does the weather change - day length also varies in different seasons. There is more daylight in the summer. The nights are shorter in the summer and the weather warmer. There is less daylight in the winter, and the nights are longer and the weather colder. It can be dark when you go to school, and nearly dark when you come home. The amount of sunlight varies with the seasons. This quiz is all about how day length changes during a year.

1 .
When are the nights longest?
In winter
In spring
In summer
In autumn
In winter, the nights are long and the days are short
2 .
Halloween is on the 31st of October. What season is this?
What do you do on Halloween?
3 .
Amy and Harry are enjoying their school sports day. The sports day is in July. What season is this?
What sports do you like best?
4 .
The Sun rises in the morning. It gets higher and higher in the sky. Then it goes down again. At what time of year is the Sun at its highest?
In winter
In spring
In summer
In autumn
The Sun climbs higher in the sky in the summer
5 .
In the winter, it can be dark coming home from school. But in the summer, it is light much longer. Why is it light much longer in the summer?
Because the Sun sets later in the summer
Because the street lights are turned on
Because the Moon shines more in the summer
Because the Sun sets earlier in the summer
What do you do when you get home from school?
6 .
When is New Year’s Day?
1st September
25th December
1st January
1st February
Both Christmas and New Year’s Day are in the wintertime
7 .
How many months are there in a year?
Do you know all the months of the year?
8 .
Sunrise changes through the year. Sometimes the Sun rises earlier. Sometimes the Sun rises later. At what time of year does the Sun rise very early in the morning?
In winter
In spring
In summer
In autumn
In the summer, it is already light when you wake up
9 .
When are the nights shortest?
In winter
In spring
In summer
In autumn
In the summer, it can be light well after 8 o’clock in the evening
10 .
At what time of year is the Sun at its lowest?
In winter
In spring
In summer
In autumn
The Sun is lower in the sky in the winter
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - What is day and night?

Author:  David Bland

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