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Plants - What Makes Them Grow?
If this plant could speak it would ask for some water!

Plants - What Makes Them Grow?

This quiz addresses the requirements of the National Curriculum KS1 Science for children aged 5 and 6 in years 1 and 2. Specifically this quiz is aimed at the section dealing with how light, water and warmth are needed in order for plants to grow.

Plants do not eat food. They have to make their own food in their leaves. They need light, water and warmth to make this food. The more food they make, the more they can grow. So, the more light, water and warmth they get the bigger they grow. Let's find out more about what plants need.

1 .
It is wintertime. These roses have died. What has killed the roses?
Sun and rain
Cold and ice
Sun and warmth
Wind and sun
Some plants do flower in the winter. Can you think of a plant that flowers in the winter? That's right - the snowdrop!
2 .
When do plants grow quickest?
Plants grow quickest in spring and early summer
3 .
Tom is given a plant. He wants it to grow. Where should Tom put it?
In a dark cupboard
Under the stairs
In a sunny window
Under a bucket
Plants will not grow in the dark
4 .
Helen is growing a pepper plant. She is growing it in a greenhouse. Why does it grow well in a greenhouse?
Because the greenhouse is warm and sunny
Because the greenhouse is cold and dark
Because the greenhouse is cold and dry
Because the greenhouse is warm and dark
Greenhouses have lots of glass. Do you have a greenhouse?
5 .
Which one of these do plants need to grow?
Plants must have light to grow
6 .
The cactus can live in very dry places. But even the cactus needs some ____ to stay alive.
The inside of a cactus stores a lot of water
7 .
Why do plants like the rain?
Plants like getting wet
Plants can swim
Plants need water to grow
Rain washes the plants clean
Do you like being out in the rain?
8 .
Why has the flower wilted?
Too much water
Not enough water
No sunlight
Strong winds
Flowers can’t speak. But if they wilt, you know they want water
9 .
What temperature do plants like best?
Very hot
Very cold
If it is too hot, plants will wilt. If it is too cold, plants will die
10 .
Plants need food to grow. When will this plant make most food?
There is more sunlight in the daytime. That is when plants make most of their food
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - What does a plant need to grow?

Author:  David Bland

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