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Investigating - Simple Tests
How could you find out which colour is most people's favourite?

Investigating - Simple Tests

This quiz addresses the requirements of the National Curriculum KS1 Science for children aged 5 and 6 in years 1 and 2. Specifically this quiz is aimed at the section dealing with using simple tests to investigate.

How can you answer questions in science? Some questions are too hard for you to answer but some are more simple. Where will you look for answers? How will you investigate your ideas? How can you test different materials? What can you use? There is often more than one way of answering a question in science. Using books and the internet to investigate is a good thing, but it is even better to do simple tests to find out for yourself, if you can.
1 .
A class at school want to find out which habitat centipedes like best. They decide to look in different places.

They look under a large stone, in leaf litter, under a log, and under a hedge.

What should they count?
The number of mini-beasts
The number of centipedes
The number of woodlice
The number of beetles
Mini-beasts live in micro-habitats
2 .
Jacob wants to know which lumps of play dough are heaviest? What can he do?
Hold them in his hands
Measure how far across they are
Use a balance
See which one rolls furthest
A see-saw is a balance
3 .
Harry is building a model bridge. Should he use wood, metal or plastic? Which will be strongest? How he can he find out?
Test them with weights
See if he can stretch them
See if they burn
See if he can shine a light through them
Which do you think will be the strongest?
4 .
Natasha is keeping a weather diary. How can she record how much cloud there is every day?
Count the number of clouds
Write down the fraction of the sky covered by cloud
Write down the colour of the clouds
Write down how often it rains
What fraction of the sky in the picture is covered by cloud?
5 .
‘Where do jaguars live?’ How can you find out?
Look outside school
Look in different places
Look in a book or on the internet
Watch a computer game
Jaguars live in Central and South America
6 .
Anna has three materials: glass, polythene and wax. ‘Which material is the clearest?’ How can Anna find out?
Run water over them
Shine a light through them
Weigh them
Look in a book or on the internet
Anna needs to do an experiment to find out.
7 .
‘How do camels survive the heat of the Sahara Desert?’ How could you find out at school?
Heat sand on a tray
Look it up in a book or on the internet
Look in an atlas
Filter sandy water into a beaker
This one you will have to look up!
8 .
Freddie asks, ‘When do frogs lay spawn?’ How can Freddie find out?
Check his local pond every week
Look it up in a book about frogs
Search for frogs on the internet
Use all three of the ways above
All three ways help Freddie to find out.

The frog in the picture is the red poison dart frog from Costa Rica
9 .
Jack asks, ‘What is the best temperature to grow seeds?’

Jack puts the same seeds into four different pots.

He puts each pot in a different place. Which four places would be best?
On his table, on his friend’s table, in a fridge, in a freezer
Above a radiator, on his table, in the fridge, in a freezer
Above a radiator, above another radiator, on a window sill, in a freezer
On four tables round his classroom
Always ask before putting anything like pots or soil in a fridge or freezer!
10 .
Toni is doing an investigation in her class. She wants to know which is the most popular colour in the rainbow.

Toni paints this picture. Then she asks people: ‘Which colour in the rainbow do you like best?’

Who should she ask?
Only her friends
One or two people
Only the teacher and her friends
Everyone in the class
The more people Toni asks, the better her results will be
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Working scientifically

Author:  David Bland

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