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Year 2 Shapes - Describing 3D Shapes
Cubes usually land with one face upwards so they make very good dice.

Year 2 Shapes - Describing 3D Shapes

This quiz addresses the requirements of the National Curriculum KS1 Maths and Numeracy for children aged 6 and 7 in year 2. Specifically this quiz is aimed at the section dealing with naming and describing 3D shapes and related everyday objects fluently.

When talking about and naming 3-dimensional shapes and other related objects, Year 2 children will understand that they can use different words to describe their properties. They will use language such as faces, edges and corners and recognise that some shapes have the same name but may look different.

This quiz will familiarise your child with the language used to describe and to name 3-D shapes.

To see a larger image, click on the picture.
Question 1
If I try to fit the cuboid through the hole, what will happen?
If you twist it first, it will fit
If you push it hard it will fit
It is the wrong shape and will not fit
It is the same shape as the hole so it will fit
The edges of the cuboid will not fit through the round hole
Question 2
How many corners does a cube have?
Corners are where the edges meet and can also be called vertices
Question 3
What shapes can you see here?
Some cylinders and a cuboid
Some spheres and a pyramid
Some cuboids and a cone
Some cones and a pyramid
Pyramids can have square bases or triangular bases
Question 4
Which shapes can you see here?
Some cubes and a pyramid
A cylinder and some pyramids
A cone and a sphere
Some cubes and a sphere
The cubes are also called cuboids
Question 5
Why do cubes make good dice?
They can roll but land flat
They look better
They have enough space for the dots
They have enough faces
A cube usually lands well so that one face is facing upwards
Question 6
Why are snooker and pool balls spheres?
Because they have numbers on
Because they are a good size
Because they look colourful
Because they roll smoothly
A perfect sphere rolls well - lots of sports have balls which are spheres
Question 7
Which of these shapes has the most faces?
The cone
The cube
The sphere
The cylinder
The cube has 6 faces, the cylinder has three, the cone has two and the sphere has one
Question 8
Which of these shapes has the most edges?
The cone
The cylinder
The sphere
They all have the same number of edges
The cylinder has two edges, the cone has one and the sphere has none at all
Question 9
Why are boxes usually cubes and cuboids?
They look good in shops
They stack together well
They have too many corners
They can be big or small
Lots of cubes or cuboids stack together more easily than cylinders or cones
Question 10
This is a...
cone made up of cylinders
pyramid made up of cubes
sphere made up of cubes
cube made up of spheres
The spheres are arranged in even rows in order to create a cube shape
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - What are 3D shapes?

Author:  Angela Smith

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