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Year 2 Measurements - Temperature
Deserts are hot places. They have high temperatures.

Year 2 Measurements - Temperature

This quiz addresses the requirements of the National Curriculum KS1 Maths and Numeracy for children aged 6 and 7 in year 2. Specifically this quiz is aimed at the section dealing with estimating and measuring temperature.

Measuring temperature accurately and estimating the correct temperature is a tricky skill to master. Children in Year 2 may use a thermometer to measure temperatures and recognise the difference between warm temperatures and cold temperatures. They will also be asked to make estimates of various temperatures.

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Question 1
What could this thermometer be measuring the temperature of?
The temperature of some iced water
A child with a fever
The temperature of boiling water
The temperature of a snowball
This temperature is above the usual range so someone might be poorly
Question 2
What could the temperature here be?
3oC or 4oC
20oC or 25oC
40oC or 45oC
50oC or 55oC
Very cold temperatures in the winter are usually between 0oC and 10oC but can also go into negative numbers
Question 3
What is the average room temperature?
The average room temperature is less than the temperature of the human body
Question 4
What has to happen to the temperature for ice to begin to melt?
It has to fall below 0oC
It has to raise above 0oC
It has to stay at 0oC
It has to go up and down a lot
Once the temperature starts to climb above 0oC, ice will begin to melt
Question 5
In the Arctic, the temperatures are...
extremely cold, even minus numbers
extremely hot - more than 100oC
always the same - around 37oC
always going up and down, but usually quite warm
The arctic can experience temperatures of -50oC!
Question 6
What is the temperature of boiling water?
Water boils at 100oC - this is when steam begins to form
Question 7
At what temperature does water freeze?
Water turns into ice when the temperature reaches 0oC or lower
Question 8
What could the temperature be here?
The temperature could be even higher than this!
Question 9
What could this thermometer be measuring the temperature of?
A pan of boiling water
A room in your house
A glass of lemonade
A block of ice
100oC is the temperature water reaches when it boils
Question 10
What is the average temperature of the human body?
This temperature can go up or down slightly - for example if you have a fever
Author:  Angela Smith

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