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Year 1 Numbers - Number Lines
Number lines are useful tools when you are doing maths.

Year 1 Numbers - Number Lines

This quiz addresses the requirements of the National Curriculum KS1 Maths and Numeracy for children aged 5 and 6 in year 1. Specifically this quiz is aimed at the section dealing with using number lines to identify and represent numbers.

Using number lines as a form of representing numbers is useful in lots of different ways in maths. They can help with counting forwards or backwards, help to find the answer when adding or subtracting and they can even help with times tables. Knowing how number lines represent numbers and how to use them well will help make number work much easier!

Question 1
Which numbers are missing from this number line?
7, 8, 15, 20
8, 9, 15, 19
7, 15, 19, 20
4, 8, 9, 10
Counting out loud will help you fill the blanks
Question 2
Which numbers are missing from this number line?
49, 50, 51
50, 51, 52
50, 55, 59
50, 55, 60
Look at the numbers which come before and after the blank spaces
Question 3
What would the last number on this part of the number line be?
Pointing to each mark and saying the number is helpful
Question 4
Which other numbers might you find on this part of the number line?
4, 5, 7
46, 49, 52
75, 80, 85
18, 20, 27
Count forwards and backwards from the centre number
Question 5
Which numbers are missing from this number line?
24, 25, 29
25, 27, 31
42, 52, 92
24, 29, 31
Look at the numbers which come before and after the blank spaces
Question 6
What is special about all the numbers missing from this number line?
They all end with 2
They are all odd
They are all even
They are all more than 30
These numbers are in the two times table
Question 7
Which other numbers might you find on this part of the number line?
66, 67, 68
1, 3, 5
35, 37, 39
12, 14, 20
Count forwards and backwards from the centre number
Question 8
Which number would be found at the beginning of this number line?
Pointing and counting down aloud may help
Question 9
What is wrong with this number line?
All the numbers are odd
The numbers are not in the correct order
There are too many numbers
All the numbers are even
Saying the numbers aloud will sound all wrong!
Question 10
Which numbers are missing from this number line?
4, 7, 16
5, 11, 16
5, 9, 11
9, 12, 17
Say the numbers as you count up
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - What is a number line?

Author:  Angela Smith

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