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Year 1 Numbers - Counting Forwards and Backwards
Counting is useful. It can also be fun!

Year 1 Numbers - Counting Forwards and Backwards

This quiz addresses the requirements of the National Curriculum KS1 Maths and Numeracy for children aged 5 and 6 in year 1. Specifically this quiz is aimed at the section dealing with understanding number and counting on or back.

In Year 1 children are taught how to count forwards and backwards and to understand numbers. This is about understanding where numbers belong and putting them in the right order. Counting forwards in ones is the same as adding one on each time, and counting backwards in ones is the same as subtracting one each time.

Question 1
What is the next number in this sequence:
85, 84, 83, 82
Don't forget to look at whether the numbers are increasing or decreasing!
Question 2
Which three numbers should come next?
107, 108, 109
1010, 1011, 1012
110, 111, 112
10, 11, 12
106, 105, 104
Look at the last digit of each number
Question 3
What are the next two numbers in this sequence:
97, 98, 99
99, 101
100, 110
97, 98
100, 101
If you have a 100 square, it could be useful if you get stuck
Question 4
What are the next two numbers in this sequence:
23, 22, 21
20, 19
25, 24
20, 21
12, 11
Think about which way the numbers are going and use a 100 square if you get stuck
Question 5
Which two numbers are missing from this sequence:
47, ?, 49, ?, 51
48, 50
46, 55
56, 57
48, 49
Write the numbers out if you're not sure
Question 6
Which three numbers are missing from this sequence:
89, ?, 91, 92, 93, 94, ?, ?
89, 91, 97
90, 95, 96
90, 59, 69
88, 89, 90
Use a 100 square or write out the numbers to help you
Question 7
What is the next number in this sequence:
5, 6, 7, 8
Counting on your fingers might help you!
Question 8
Which two numbers are missing from this sequence:
109, ?, 107, 106, ?
180, 150
109, 108
110, 104
108, 105
Think about whether the numbers are increasing or decreasing
Question 9
What is wrong with this sequence?
112, 113, 114, 116, 117, 119
It is going backwards
It is too short
It is too long
Some numbers are missing
Write out the sequence to help find out what's wrong!
Question 10
What are the next two numbers in this sequence:
27, 28, 29, 30
13, 23
32, 23
31, 32
33, 34
Counting up aloud might help you
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Counting and ordering

Author:  Angela Smith

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