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Year 1 Calculation - Symbols
One plus one equals two.

Year 1 Calculation - Symbols

This quiz addresses the requirements of the National Curriculum KS1 Maths and Numeracy for children aged 5 and 6 in year 1. Specifically this quiz is aimed at the section dealing with reading, writing and interpreting mathematical statements involving addition (+), subtraction (–) and equals (=) signs.

Recognising, selecting and using the right symbol in a number sentence is vital. A good understanding of what the addition, subtraction and equals signs look like, what they mean in maths, and what they do to numbers is a really important area of development. Understanding the language associated with the addition, subtraction and equals signs will help children calculate accurately.

Question 1
What does this symbol mean: -
Addition or adding
Subtracting or subtraction
This symbol is used in subtraction calculations, such as 5 - 3 = 2
Question 2
Which symbol could be used instead of the words in brackets?
5 (plus) 5 = 10
Plus is another word for add
Question 3
Which symbol could be used instead of the words in brackets?
5 + 4 (is equal to) 9
This symbol means 'is equal to' or 'is the same as'
Question 4
Which symbol is missing from this calculation:
3 ? 6 = 9
If you add 3 and 6, the answer is 9
Question 5
What does this symbol mean: =
My answer is
Is equal to or the same as
Many people think this symbol means 'is the answer' but it really means 'is equal to'
Question 6
What does this symbol mean: +
Adding or addition
Subtracting or subtraction
Is the answer
Is the same as
It is used when numbers are added together, for example 4 + 5 = 9
Question 7
Which symbol could be used instead of the words in brackets?
5 (minus) 5 = 0
Minus is another way of saying subtract or take away
Question 8
What is wrong with this number sentence:
7 + 3 = 4
The addition sign should be a subtraction sign
The addition sign is in the wrong place
The equal sign is in the wrong place
The numbers are too small
If you change - for +, the answer becomes correct
Question 9
Which symbol is missing from this calculation:
4 ? 1 = 3
Subtracting 1 from 4 gives an answer of 3
Question 10
Which symbol is missing from this calculation:
6 - 2 ? 4
6 - 2 is equal to, or the same as 4
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Adding and subtracting

Author:  Angela Smith

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