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Change Over Time
More and more people are travelling around the world in aeroplanes.

Change Over Time

This quiz addresses part of the requirements of the National Curriculum KS1 for children aged 5 and 6 in years 1 and 2 in Geography. Specifically it looks at some of the big changes that happen over time. It is one of 50 quizzes to help you understand the world around you.

In geography you find out about different places, and about people all round the world. Geography also looks at how things change over time. In this quiz there are ten questions about some big changes that might happen. Some people move from one place to another, or from one country to another. The weather can change. In some countries there might be an earthquake. Let’s have a look at some big changes.

1 .
What do people need to earn money?
Nice clothes
New trainers
What job would you like to do?
2 .
More and more people travel around the world. They travel long distances from country to country. How do most people travel around the world?
By car
By boat
By train
By aeroplane
Do you live near an airport? What is it called?
3 .
Jan lived in Poland. His Dad got a job in Manchester. Jan and his family moved to England.

What changed?
Jan moved to live in England
Jan moved from Manchester to Poland
Nothing - Jan stayed in Poland
Nothing - Jan stayed in England
Can you find Poland on a map of Europe?
4 .
Ella lives in Wales. Ella’s family are going to live in Australia.

What is changing?
Nothing - Ella is staying in Wales
Ella is moving to Wales
Ella is moving to Australia
Nothing - Ella is staying in Australia
Can you find both Wales and Australia on a globe?
5 .
What can happen if there is too much rain?
Floods can be very dangerous
6 .
More and more people are moving to big ______.
Do you live in a city? Which is the nearest big city to where you live?
7 .
If the Earth gets a little bit warmer, what will happen to temperatures?
Temperatures will go up
Temperatures will go down
Temperatures will stay the same
Temperatures will be freezing
What do we use to measure temperatures? - Thermometers
8 .
After secondary school a lot of teenagers go to __________.
Nursery school
Primary school
Play group
Students study geography and lots of other subjects at university
9 .
In 2014 there was an earthquake in south-west China. What happened during the earthquake?
Buildings fell down
Buildings did not move
Buildings grew taller
Sadly, 600 people died in this earthquake
10 .
In 2011 there was a very bad drought in East Africa. What happens in a drought?
There is no wind
There is no rain
There is no sun
There is no warmth
In a drought there is no rain for many months
Author:  David Bland

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