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Change - How Things Change
How is your home decorated at Christmas time?

Change - How Things Change

This quiz addresses part of the requirements of the National Curriculum KS1 for children aged 5 and 6 in years 1 and 2 in Geography. Specifically it looks at how we and the things around us change over time. It is one of 50 quizzes to help you understand the world around you.

Things change over time. You are growing. Children go to school. Then they move to a bigger school. Houses are built. Some buildings are pulled down. In the spring, plants grow and there are new leaves on the trees. In the autumn, lots of trees lose their leaves. It is warm in summer and cold in winter. In geography you find out about how we and the things around us change.

1 .
Sam’s Mum decorates the house for Christmas. After the New Year, what does Sam’s Mum do?
She takes down the Christmas decorations
She leaves up the Christmas decorations
She puts up more Christmas decorations
She puts up new Christmas decorations
How is your home decorated for Christmas and New Year?
2 .
Which one of these changes happens in the autumn?
Trees grow new leaves
Leaves fall off trees
The days get longer
The weather warms up
Which is your favourite season?
3 .
The bookshop in a town has closed down. It is going to re-open as a clothes shop.

What will change?
A clothes shop will turn into a bookshop
A clothes shop will close down
A bookshop will open
A bookshop will turn into a clothes shop
What is the nearest shop to where you live?
4 .
Sam is at primary school. When he is 11, what will happen to Sam?
He will stay at primary school
He will go straight to university
He will move to nursery school
He will move to secondary school
Where is your nearest secondary school?
5 .
Sam wants to find out how the weather changes. What can Sam do to find out?
Keep a weather diary
Write a story
Do some sums
Always do his homework
Sam should always do his homework, but a weather diary will help him to find out how the weather changes
6 .
Sam goes to the playground. The old swings are not there. There are new swings in the playground.

What has changed?
The slide has been replaced
The slide is no longer there
There are no longer any swings in the playground
The swings have been replaced
Which do you like best - swings or slide?
7 .
Which one of these changes happens in the spring?
Trees grow new leaves
Leaves fall off trees
Plants stop growing
The weather becomes much colder
Can you name the four seasons?
8 .
Sam is in the Year 2 class at his school. In September, what will happen to Sam?
Sam will move to the Year 1 class
Sam will stay in the Year 2 class
Sam will move to the Year 3 class
Sam will move to the Year 4 class
A lot of children start new classes in September
9 .
A new housing estate is being built in Sam’s town. This means there will be:
More houses in Sam’s town
Fewer houses in Sam’s town
The same number of houses in Sam’s town
No houses in Sam’s town
Are there any new houses being built near where you live?
10 .
In the summer the weather can often change from very hot days to:
Snow and ice
Hail and sleet
Thunder and lightning
Frost and snow
There are often thunderstorms in the summer
Author:  David Bland

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