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Sentences - Openers
Use lots of different words in your writing to make it more interesting and enjoyable for the reader.

Sentences - Openers

This quiz takes a look at sentence openers and helps KS1 children open their sentences with words other than ‘then’. This will aid their sentence level skills and extend their understanding of syntax. It will also make their written work more interesting for you to read, along with improving their familiarity of literacy and English.

When we write stories we need to make sure we start each sentence with different words. Often, the easiest word to use is ‘then’. There are many more words you can use to start a sentence.

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1 .
'Then the witch came through the door.' Which word could we replace 'then' with?
The word 'suddenly' suggests it was unexpected. If we wrote 'as,' this would mean we would be expecting something else to happen at the same time: 'As the witch came through the door, her bag fell off her shoulder.'
2 .
Which word should we not use to start a sentence?
First, soon and after are all new ways you can start your sentence. Make sure, though, that you pick an appropriate word.
3 .
'Then he closed the door and sat in front of the fire.' Which word could we replace 'then' with?
The word 'eventually' means he did lots of things before this and then finally, he was able to close the door and sit down. We are replacing the word 'then,' which means something has happened before this - that is why the only replacement, with a like-for-like word, is 'eventually'.
4 .
'Then an alien from outer space arrived.' Which word could we replace 'then' with?
'Meanwhile' means this happened whilst something else in the story happened, so at the same time. The other options would mean the sentence no longer makes sense.
5 .
Write the next sentence: 'The dog barked all day long.'
And, his owner arrived and let him outside.
Meanwhile, his owner arrived and let him outside.
Finally, his owner arrived and let him outside.
As, his owner arrived and let him outside.
The word 'finally' means the character had been waiting a long time. We know the dog has been barking all day, as this is what it says, which consequently rules out the other possible answers.
6 .
Write the next sentence: 'Then they dug for treasure.'
Then they found it.
Eventually they found it.
During they found it.
Firstly, they found it.
Have you ever dug for treasure?
7 .
Write the next sentence: 'Then she put the cake in the oven.'
During this time, she washed up.
Then she washed up.
And she washed up.
Just then, she washed up.
We wouldn't use 'then' again and 'just then' makes it sound like an unexpected surprise. Also, did you know, microwave ovens were discovered accidentally.
8 .
Which word should we not use to start a sentence?
If you wanted the word 'cat' in your sentence you would probably need to write 'the cat'.
9 .
'Then he fell over.' Which word could we replace 'then' with?
The word 'next' suggests something happened before this and him falling was the 'next' thing to occur.
10 .
Write the next sentence: 'Then the rhinoceros burst into our classroom...'
Then he chased the teacher out of the window.
Next, he chased the teacher out of the window.
So he chased the teacher out of the window.
And he chased the teacher out of the window.
Remember - never start a sentence with 'and'. The word 'so' would work better as a connective and not a sentence opener.
Author:  Finola Waller

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