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Phonics - Phonemes (Consonant and Vowel)
This quiz will test you on how much you remember about phonemes.

Phonics - Phonemes (Consonant and Vowel)

This quiz looks at both consonant and vowel phonemes. KS1 children need to remember these sounds in order to help them read and write under the phonics method, suggested by the National Curriculum. Knowing the difference between a consonant phoneme and a vowel phoneme will improve their all-round literacy and English language knowledge.

When we read, we break a word up into pieces, or sounds - called phonemes. We are looking at the sounds made by single and double consonant and vowel phonemes. See how much you can remember about these sounds.

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1 .
How do the sounds break up in this word: 'coins'?
c + o + i + n + s
co + i + n + s
c + oi + n + s
c + oi + ns
The sound 'oi' is the same as 'oy'.
2 .
How do the sounds break up in this word: 'snail'?
s + n + ai + l
sn + ai + l
s + n + a + i + l
s + n + ail
There are different types of snails: land, sea and freshwater.
3 .
What is the vowel phoneme in this word: 'tree'?
A vowel phoneme can consist of two vowels like 'ee' or one like 'e' but they make different sounds.
4 .
What is the vowel phoneme in this word: 'boat'?
There are lots of sounds that make similar sounds but are spelt differently - unfortunately, some sounds can only be learnt by memorising them.
5 .
What is a consonant phoneme?
A sound that has a consonant in it.
A sound that has a vowel in it.
A sound that has a consonant and a vowel in it.
A group of countries.
A consonant phoneme is a sound made by the consonant letters of the alphabet. They can be single letters like 'b' or double letters like 'mm'.
6 .
How do the sounds break up in this word: 'August'?
Aug + u + s + t
Au + g + u + s + t
Au + g + us + t
Au + gu + s + t
August is the eighth month of the year.
7 .
How do the sounds break up in this word: 'meeting'?
m + ee + t + i + ng
m + ee + ti + ng
m + ee + t + ing
mee + t + i + ng
The 'ee' sound is also made by these vowels 'ea'.
8 .
What is the vowel phoneme in this word: 'apple'?
Although the last letter of 'apple' is 'e' - that letter is linked with the 'l' making the word break up like this; 'a' + 'pp' + 'le'.
9 .
What is a vowel phoneme?
A sound that has a consonant in it.
A sound that has a vowel in it.
A sound that has a consonant and a vowel in it.
A group of countries.
There are five vowels in the alphabet and a vowel phoneme is a sound made by just those five letters.
10 .
How do the sounds break up in this word: 'shopping'?
s + h + o + p + p + i + n + g
sh + o + p + p + i + ng
sh + op + pi + ng
sh + o + pp + i + ng
When trying to read this word we would break it up into all the small sounds like this.
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Graphemes

Author:  Finola Waller

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