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Exclamation Marks
Learn when to use an exclamation mark by playing this quiz.

Exclamation Marks

This quiz introduces children to the use of this type of punctuation. The National Curriculum asks that children in KS1 learning English and Literacy are introduced (Year 1) and then use (Year 2) exclamation marks. This activity highlights when to use them and how to use them appropriately.

To end a sentence we must always use a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark. An exclamation mark should be used when someone is shouting or to emphasize strong feelings.

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1 .
Which of these sentences is correct?
Look behind you!. Quick. Run.
Look behind you! Quick! Run!!!!!
Look behind you!! Quick!! Run!!
Look behind you! Quick! Run!
No matter how loud your character is shouting, one exclamation mark is enough.
2 .
Which answer is perfect?
Giant bamboo plants can grow up to 9 inches a day
Giant bamboo plants can grow up to 9 inches a day!
Giant bamboo plants can grow up to 9 inches a day.!
Giant bamboo plants can grow up to 9 inches a day!.
An exclamation mark works like a full stop, so if you have an exclamation mark you don't need to do any other end punctuation.
3 .
Which of these sentences is correct?
Shark! Quick! Help me.
Shark Quick Help me
Shark! Quick! Help me!
Shark. Quick. Help me.
If you saw a shark there would be lots of exclamation marks!
4 .
Exclamation marks can be used to emphasize a comment. Which answer would be considered the most amazing?
Shakespeare's work has been bought by over 2 billion people
Shakespeare's first name was William
Shakespeare was English
Shakespeare had a sister called Joan
This is a tricky one because you need to decide which fact is most astounding. Although the other facts are interesting, it's the fact that he is one of the most famous men in Literature that is most worthy of emphasis.
5 .
Which of these sentences is correct?
Be careful! That knife just cut me!
Be careful. That knife just cut me.
Be careful. That knife just cut me!
Be careful! That knife just cut me.
You can have more than one sentence that ends with an exclamation mark. Just know that whenever you use one, the character is still considered to be shouting.
6 .
What does an exclamation mark look like?
An exclamation mark is like an upside down 'i'.
7 .
Which of these answers should be shouted and needs an exclamation mark?
I like the colour red
Fire is hot
There's a fire
Are you hungry
Remember, an exclamation mark is used to show someone is shouting and a fire would be a very good reason to shout.
8 .
Which of these answers needs an exclamation mark?
This is a police car
Do you know any policemen
Put your hands in the air
Would you like to go for a drive in a police car
Every police officer has an identification number.
9 .
Which of these answers should be shouted and needs an exclamation mark?
I'm cooking sprouts
My aunt likes sprouts
Sprouts are a vegetable
I hate sprouts
There are more than 110 different varieties of sprouts.
10 .
Which of these answers should not end with an exclamation mark?
Don't run
Please cross the road
When writing, if somebody is shouting they talk in short, sharp sentences and so, an exclamation mark would be used.
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - How to use an exclamation mark

Author:  Finola Waller

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