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Capital Letters and Spellings of Days
At the weekend, it's time for fun!

Capital Letters and Spellings of Days

This quiz looks at capital letters and spellings of days. It reminds children that every day begins with a capital letter. This extends the National Curriculum's requirements for KS1 children to use capital letters correctly. Furthermore, they will need to write the date multiple times a day and know the shorthand version of days (Monday/Mon). This will enhance not only their English and literacy skills, but also their spelling.

There are seven days in a week and each day begins with a capital letter. Sometimes we write the full name (Monday) and sometimes we write the shorthand version (Mon). Test your knowledge on capital letters for sentences and days of the week.

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1 .
Which day is 'Sun' short for?
Some people believe in a religion called Christianity and sometimes they go to church on a Sunday.
2 .
Which of these is the correct way to write Saturday in a shorter way?
The Romans used to call Saturday, 'Saturn's Day'.
3 .
Now don't forget, every day begins with a capital letter. Which of these sentences is correct?
I go swimming every tuesday.
I go swimming every Tuesday.
I go swimming every tuesday
I go swimming every Tuesday
No matter where the day of the week is, it should always begin with a capital letter. Also, you have to remember to start your sentence with a capital and end it with a full stop.
4 .
Which of these sentences is correct?
My karate lessons are every Monday and Thursday.
My karate lessons are every Monday and thursday.
My karate lessons are every monday and Thursday.
my karate lessons are every Monday and Thursday.
The word 'karate' is Japanese and means 'open hand' - 'kara' means 'open' and 'te' means 'hand'.
5 .
Which list has all of the short days of the week written correctly?
Weds, Fri, Sat and Sund
Wed, Fri, Sat and Sun
Weds, fri, Sat and Sun
Weds, Fri, Sat and Sun
Even though the first four letters of 'Wednesday' are 'Wedn' we write 'Weds' with an added 's'.
6 .
Don't forget we need capital letters for months and days. Which of these dates is written correctly?
We went back to school on wednesday, 3rd September.
We went back to school on Wednesday, 3rd September.
We went back to school on wednesday, 3rd september.
We went back to school on Wednesday, 3rd september.
There are well over three thousand maintained schools in England.
7 .
Which of these is the correct way to write Monday in a shorter way?
The week is put in two parts, weekend (Saturday and Sunday) and week days (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday).
8 .
What day does 'Tues' stand for?
Shrove Tuesday is also known as Pancake Day, which happens every year on a Tuesday.
9 .
Every day of the week should begin with a capital letter. Which of these sentences is correct?
My little sister goes to dance class every Monday, tuesday and Thursday.
My little sister goes to dance class every monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
My little sister goes to dance class every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
My little sister goes to dance class every Monday, Tuesday and thursday.
Ancient Egyptians used to dance for fun and to perform religious rituals.
10 .
Which of these sentences is perfect?
I live on the moon all week except for mondays, thursdays and Fridays.
i live on the moon all week except for Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays.
I live on the moon all week except for Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays
I live on the moon all week except for Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays.
This is the only option that has a capital letter at the start of the sentence, a full stop at the end and capital letters for each of the days of the week.
In 1969, Apollo 11 landed on the moon allowing Neil Armstrong to be the first man to walk on the moon.
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - What are the days of the week?

Author:  Finola Waller

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