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Apostrophes - Singular Possessive (to Nouns)
Have you seen the cat's hat?

Apostrophes - Singular Possessive (to Nouns)

This quiz looks at apostrophes for singular possessive to nouns and is aimed at Year 2 students studying KS1. It helps them learn when an apostrophe is needed to show singular possession to a noun. The National Curriculum suggests all Year 2 children learn how to use apostrophes appropriately and this game will aid that requirement as well as enhancing their use of literacy and the English language.

The cat’s tail. This cat owns her own tail and that is why there is an apostrophe and an ‘s’. If that wasn’t there then that would mean there was more than one cat. If you know the cat is called Mitsy, then you’d write ‘Mitsy’s tail’. If you don’t know the name you use the noun to describe it - like cat. You have to make sure that the cat still owns its tail by showing possession through the apostrophe.

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1 .
Which of these is the shorter way of saying: The castle belongs to the knight?
The knights castle.
The knight's castle.
The castle that belongs to the knight.
The castle is owned by and belonging to the knight.
Knights used to live by a code of chivalry and nowadays, if someone calls you chivalrous it means you are well mannered.
2 .
Which sentence is correct?
The boys school bag was full of equipment.
The boys' school bag was full of equipment.
The boy's school bag was full of equipment.
The boys's school bag was full of equipment.
There are two potential correct answers here. If there was more than one boy it would be boys' but because there is only one boy and only he owns the bag, it's boy's. This is elaborated on in a different quiz!
3 .
Which sentence is perfect?
The bride's dress was stunning, all the guest's enjoyed the wedding and the groom's suit looked very smart.
The bride's dress was stunning, all the guests enjoyed the wedding and the grooms suit looked very smart.
The brides dress was stunning, all the guests enjoyed the wedding and the groom's suit looked very smart.
The bride's dress was stunning, all the guests enjoyed the wedding and the groom's suit looked very smart.
The word 'guests' doesn't need an apostrophe because they aren't owning anything - there is nothing for them to have. When looking at possessive apostrophes, we need to concentrate on the second word to make sure it's something that can be owned.
4 .
Which of these sentences is perfect?
The dogs treat was delicious.
The dog's treat's was delicious.
The dog's treat was delicious'.
The dog's treat was delicious.
Only the dog is owning something in this sentence.
5 .
Which sentence shows a possessive noun being used correctly?
The pirates took control of the beach.
The pirate stood on the beach.
The pirate's spy glass had broken.
Pirates' like food.
The pirate flag with a white skull and black background is called The Jolly Roger flag and was designed to scare people.
6 .
Which sentence is perfect?
The soldier's hat was wrong, he realised he took his brothers hat by mistake.
The soldier's hat was wrong, he realised he took his brother's hat by mistake.
The soldiers hat was wrong, he realised he took his brother's hat by mistake.
The soldiers hat was wrong, he realised he took his brothers hat by mistake.
There were two apostrophes needed in this one sentence as the solider has the wrong hat in his belongings and the brother also owns the hat.
7 .
This cat's tail is in the air. Why is there an apostrophe in the word 'cat's'?
Because there is more than one cat.
Because there is more than one tail.
Because the cat doesn't own a tail and doesn't want one.
Because the cat owns his tail.
Cats spend two thirds of their lives sleeping.
8 .
Which sentence is perfect?
The bird's feathers were brightly coloured. The girls' hand was shaking when she held him.
The bird's feathers were brightly coloured. The girl's hand was shaking when she held him.
The bird's feathers were brightly coloured. The girls hand was shaking when she held him.
The birds feathers were brightly coloured. The girls hand was shaking when she held him.
There are around 10,000 different species of birds worldwide
9 .
The kangaroos ears were long. Which word should have an apostrophe?
The kangaroo's ears were long. He owns his ears, that's why there is an apostrophe there. They have large ears that can swivel in all directions.
10 .
Which sentence is correct?
The elephant's trunk was long.
The elephants trunk was long.
The elephant's' trunk was long.
The elephants's trunk was long.
Elephant trunks have over 40,000 muscles.
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Using apostrophes to show belonging

Author:  Finola Waller

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