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Apostrophes - Plural Possessive (to Proper Nouns and Nouns)
The kite belongs to both boys. It is the boys' kite.

Apostrophes - Plural Possessive (to Proper Nouns and Nouns)

This quiz focusses on apostrophes for plural possessive. It is for Year 2 students and introduces the idea of ownerships to groups (plural possession). This quiz coincides with the National Curriculum's suggestion that Year 2 pupils should be able to use apostrophes correctly.

We use an apostrophe to show ownership of something. A person can own something, which is shown by an apostrophe then the letter ‘s’. If there are multiple people that own something, then we show this by writing the plural possession apostrophe s’. ‘The boys’ shirts were torn’ – because the apostrophe is after the ‘s’ then there is more than one boy.

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1 .
Which sentence isn't correct?
The donkeys ears were large.
The donkey's ears were large.
The donkeys' ears were large.
The donkey's teeth were large.
Donkeys' ears are much larger than horses and they can hear another donkey call from over sixty miles away.
2 .
Which sentence is perfect?
Emmas dance shoes were pink. Her friends loved their dance lesson.
Emma's dance shoes were pink. Her friend's loved their dance lesson.
Emma's dance shoes were pink. Her friends loved their dance lesson.
Emma's dance shoes were pink. Her friends' loved their dance lesson.
The word following 'friends' isn't anything that can be owned and so won't have an apostrophe.
3 .
The boys' bags were heavy. Why is the apostrophe in the correct place?
Because there is only one boy.
Because there is more than one boy with a heavy bag.
Because one boy owns his bag.
Because I slipped on the keyboard.
When we have a noun like 'boys' and they own something then the apostrophe comes after the 's'.
4 .
Which sentence is not correct?
The girl's braces were helping to straighten her teeth.
The boy's hair was brown.
The girls' braces were helping to straighten her teeth.
Jamie's top was pink.
The third answer suggests there was more than one girl.
5 .
Which of these sentences is not correct?
The girls' tops were pink.
Tommy's daughters were having fun on the beach.
The girl's top was dirty.
Sarahs' dad was strong.
There is only one Sarah and that's why the apostrophe would go before the 's'. Also, we know we are talking about two people in the first answer because it says 'tops' not 'top'.
6 .
Which sentence is not correct?
The dog's hat matched his owners.
Ellas dog was well behaved.
The girl's dog wore a hat.
Woof's hat was too big for him.
There are over 400 million dogs in the world.
7 .
Which sentence isn't correct?
Tammy's shell was very strong.
Freddie's tortoise was his best friend.
Tammy's owner was called Freddie.
The boys tortoise was over one hundred years old.
Tortoises are reptiles and have scales all over their skin.
8 .
Which answer is correct?
The sharks teeth were strong, white and pointy.
The sharks' teeth were strong, white and pointy.
The Sharks teeth were strong, white and pointy.
The shark's teeth were strong, white and pointy.
Sharks have the most powerful jaws on the planet. Here I am talking about sharks in general, whereas above, I'm talking about that specific shark.
9 .
Which sentence is perfect?
The tennis players' outfits matched.
Sams tennis racket broke.
Andys' tennis shoes were stuck in her locker.
The girls' beat the boys.
A tennis ball is only in play for about twenty minutes during an average two-and-a-half-hour tennis match.
10 .
The boy's hair was blond. Why is the apostrophe in the correct place?
Because there is more than one boy.
Because they both have hair.
Because we are only talking about one boy.
Because we left a letter out.
An apostrophe can be used to show that one boy owns something and also shows that many boys own something. If you know the boy's name then you would write 's.
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Using apostrophes to show belonging

Author:  Finola Waller

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