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Year 2 - The Best Sentence 2
The more you read, the better your ability to find any mistakes in a sentence.

Year 2 - The Best Sentence 2

This 'The Best Sentence 2' spelling quiz gives KS1 children a selection of sentences and they need to spot the one sentence that is perfect - without any spelling mistakes.

When writing you have so much to remember: pencil grip, handwriting, capital letters, full stops, fingers spaces, spellings and also - it has to make sense! Luckily, this quiz is only going to ask you to look for spelling mistakes!

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1 .
Which sentence has no spelling mistakes and is perfect?
Will you make me some orange squash?
Will you make me some orange squach?
Wil you make me some orang squash?
Will you make me some oringe squash?
If there is a question, we show it by placing a question mark (?) at the end of the sentence.
2 .
Which sentence has no spelling mistakes and is perfect?
I'm enjoying the blue sky!
Im enjoying the blue sky!
I'm injoying the blue sky!
I'm enjoying the blew sky!
The words blew and blue sound the same but they mean different things. Can you put them both into sentences?
3 .
Which sentence has no spelling mistakes and is perfect?
Each battery holds three hours of enargy.
Each battery holds three hours of energy.
Each battery holds three hours of enerjy.
Each battery holds thre hours of energy.
Every battery also has a positive and negative side shown by these symbols: + and -
4 .
Which sentence has no spelling mistakes and is perfect?
They love going to the sinema.
They luve going to the cinema.
Thay love going to the cinema.
They love going to the cinema.
Americans sometimes call the cinema the theatre.
5 .
Which sentence has no spelling mistakes and is perfect?
The warmth of the fire kept my toes happy!
The wamth of the fire kept my toes happy!
The warmth of the fire kept my tos happy!
The warmth of the fire kept my toes hapy!
If there is an exclamation mark in a sentence, it means it should be said with passion or excitement.
6 .
Which sentence has no spelling mistakes and is perfect?
She replys to each letter by hand.
She replies to each letter by hand.
She replies to eech letter by hand.
She replys to eech letter by hand.
The word reply changes and the 'y' is replaced with an 'i' then you add 'es'.
7 .
Which sentence has no spelling mistakes and is perfect?
In Aprill I dug up this fossill.
In Appril I dug up this fosil.
In Apral I dug up this fossil.
In April I dug up this fossil.
April is the fourth month of the year and should always begin with a capital letter, even if it's not at the beginning of a sentence.
8 .
Which sentence has no spelling mistakes and is perfect?
Please tacke me to the hospital.
Please take me to the hospitle.
Please take me to the hospital.
Please take me to the hospitel.
This is a picture of the inside of a hospital, called a ward.
9 .
Which sentence has no spelling mistakes and is perfect?
I awlways talk to her on the phone.
I allways talk to her on the phone.
I always talk to her on the phone.
I always talk to her on the fone.
The sound 'al' is in talk and always and sounds the same as 'au'.
10 .
Which sentence has no spelling mistakes and is perfect?
She pushed his wheelchare and was always very helpful.
She pushed his weelchair and was always very helpful.
She pushed his wheelchair and was always very helpful.
She pushed his wheelchair and was always very helpfull.
The word wheelchair is a compound word as we are combining the words 'wheel' and 'chair'.
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Spelling

Author:  Finola Waller

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