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Year 2 - Changing the ending to ed
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Year 2 - Changing the ending to ed

This 'Changing the ending to ed' spelling quiz tests KS1 children on words ending with ‘y’. When adding ‘ed’ to words ending with ‘y’ the letter changes to ‘i’ and then you add ‘ed’. There will be other spellings that end with ‘ed’ that are also suggested in the National Curriculum.

We add ‘ed’ to show something has happened in the past. You probably remember this from the quiz ‘Ending that Word’. If you add ‘ed’ to words ending in ‘y’ you change the ‘y’ for an ‘i’. Have a go at these spellings that end in ‘ed’.

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1 .
She ____ the mountain and ____ when she got to the top.
hiked and criyd
hikked and cried
hiked and cried
hiked and cryed
If the word ends in an 'e', like hike, all you need to do is add a 'd'.
2 .
I ____ and ____ my jumper and it shrunk.
washed and dryd
washed and dried
washed and dryed
washd and dried
Here the word dry changes to dried.
3 .
I ____ the phone after he ____ to my question.
dropped and replied
droped and replied
dropped and replyed
droppd and replied
Sometimes you have to double the consonant like in the word 'drop', so add another 'p' then 'ed'.
4 .
I ____ the egg and ____ the bread.
fried and toasteed
fryd and toasted
fryed and toasted
fried and toasted
Here you are changing the word fry to fried.
5 .
I asked you to copy it but you've already ____ it.
Here, you change the 'y' for an 'i' then add ed. This isn't always the case and only applies to words ending in 'y'.
6 .
He ____ his dead hamster.
Don't worry - this hamster is just asleep.
7 .
I ____ it really far but eventually I ____ it.
carryed and dropped
carried and dropped
carried and droped
carryed and droped
When running in an egg and spoon race, always boil the egg first so that if it does drop you don't get egg everywhere.
8 .
I ____ and ____ the inside of this tram.
tidied and cleaned
tidyed and cleaned
tidied and cleand
tidied and cleened
Have you ever been on a tram?
9 .
I ____ when he ____ off the bridge.
worred and jumped
worried and jumpd
worryed and jumped
worried and jumped
When someone jumps off a bridge with a rope attached to them, it's called a bungee jump.
10 .
I ____ because I knew I'd ____.
laffed and lied
laufed and lied
laughed and lied
laughed and lyed
Lied is the past tense of lie. Each time we add 'ed' we are showing it has happened in the past.
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Spelling

Author:  Finola Waller

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