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Reading Comprehension 03 - Cause and Effect 3
Bannerghatta Park is visited by few children on weekdays - so I get the butterfly enclosure all to myself!

Reading Comprehension 03 - Cause and Effect 3

Read these two sentences:

‘Anamika has fallen sick.’
‘Anamika will not go to school.’

From the two sentences it appears that Anamika will not be attending school because she has fallen sick. From these two sentences we can establish a cause-effect relationship. What is the reason for Anamika not attending school? The answer is that she has fallen sick and hence is unable to attend school. Thus, we see that a cause-effect relationship has been established.

The characteristic of this relationship is that the cause of something always happens first and the effect is what happens next as a result of the cause. In the above example we find that Anamika first became sick (cause) and the result was that she will not go to school (effect).

1 .
Statement A : The management of Reliance has banned the use of personal emails in the office.
Statement B : Managers of Reliance complained to the management that emails were being misused by the staff.
In relation to the two statements choose the most appropriate cause-effect relationship.
Statement B is the cause statement for the effect in statement A.
Both statements are cause statements.
Both statements are effect statements of different causes.
Both statements are effect statements of the same cause.
From the two statements it appears that emails have been banned after receiving complaints from managers. Complaint is the cause for banning
2 .
Statement A : The strong railways workforce has announced a strike from next Wednesday.
Statement B : Private sector employees have suspended their agitation.
In relation to the two statements choose the most appropriate cause-effect relationship.
Statement A and B are effects of different causes.
Statement A is a cause statement and statement B is an effect statement.
Statement A is an effect statement and statement B is a cause statement.
Statement A and B are causes of different effects.
Both statements are effects of different causes. Different causes have triggered the effects
3 .
Statement A : Many hospitals in the hinterland are run with a skeleton staff.
Statement B : Increase in untreated ill people is witnessed in the hinterland.
In relation to the two statements choose the most appropriate cause-effect relationship.
Both statements are effect statements.
Both statements are cause statements.
Statement A and statement B are not related.
Statement A is the cause statement for the effect in statement B.
From the information available in both the statements it appears that the increase in untreated ill people is caused by the hospitals being inadequately staffed
4 .
Statement A : Several patients in the hospital are suffering from chronic diseases.
Statement B : Clinics in the area have decided to close for a few days.
In relation to the two statements choose the most appropriate cause-effect relationship.
Both statements are effects of different causes.
Both statements are causes.
Both statements are effects of common cause.
Statement B is the cause for effect in statement A.
From the statements it is clear that the two effects do not stem from the same cause
5 .
Statement A : The domestic demand for automobiles has neither increased nor decreased in the last 2 months.
Statement B : The global demand for automobiles has gone up sharply in the last two months.
In relation to the two statements choose the most appropriate cause-effect relationship.
Statement A and B are causes that have effects that are common.
Statement A and B are effects that have causes that are common.
Both statements are independent causes.
Both statements are independent effects.
From the two statements it appears that there are different causes for the effects. While demand for automobiles is stagnating in one market it has increased in another market indicating that the causes are different
6 .
Statement A : Security has been beefed up at the out gates of the factory.
Statement B : Pilferages from the factory have come down drastically.
In relation to the two statements choose the most appropriate cause-effect relationship.
Statement B is the cause statement for the effect in statement A.
Both statements are causes.
Both statements are effects.
Statement A is the cause statement for the effect in statement B.
From the statements it appears that increasing security has had a direct relation to reduced pilferages establishing the cause-effect relationship clearly
7 .
Statement A : Bannerghatta Park is visited by many children during holidays.
Statement B : Bannerghatta Park is visited by few children on weekdays.
In relation to the two statements choose the most appropriate cause-effect relationship.
Statement B is a cause statement and statement A is an effects statement.
Statement A is a cause statement and statement B is an effects statement.
Statement A and B are effects of causes that are common.
Statement A and B are causes that have effects that are common.
From the two statements it appears that a common cause could be the availability of free time which determines the visit to the park. Obviously children would be in school on weekdays and hence cannot attend the park
8 .
Statement A : There was a mad scramble to see the Aamir Khan movie this week.
Statement B : The theatre had decided to withdraw the Aamir Khan movie from next week.
In relation to the two statements choose the most appropriate cause-effect relationship.
Statement A is the cause for effect in statement B.
Statement B is the cause for effect in statement A.
Both statements are effects of same cause.
Both statements are causes.
From the statement it appears that since the Aamir Khan movie was being withdrawn fans wanted to see it before it was too late and there was a scramble to see the movie
9 .
Statement A : Customers have decided against buying Pepsi products.
Statement B : Pepsi has increased the price of its products.
In relation to the two statements choose the most appropriate cause-effect relationship.
Both statements are cause statements.
Statement B is the cause statement for the effect in statement A.
Both statements are effects statements.
Statement A is the cause statement for the effect in statement B.
From the two statements it appears that customers are unhappy with the price increase and so they will not buy Pepsi products
10 .
Statement A : The authorities burst tear gas shells to quell the unrest of a rampaging mob.
Statement B : The authorities have recently increased the rates for domestic water consumption.
In relation to the two statements choose the most appropriate cause-effect relationship.
Both statements are causes.
Both statements are effects of same cause.
Both statements are effects of different causes.
Statement A is the cause statement for the effect in statement B.
From the two statements it appears that the effects are not emanating from the same cause. Each effect is a result of causes not related to each other
Author:  V T Narendra

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