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Pronunciations 05 - The Letter K
When used at the start of a word in conjunction with the letter N the letter K is silent, as in the word 'knitting'.

Pronunciations 05 - The Letter K

The letter K is the eleventh letter of the English alphabet and is a consonant with a particularly harsh sound. Perhaps, it is the least complicated of all letters in the sense that its pronunciation is straightforward and uncomplicated. It has only one sound with a little bit of variation on stress when used in particular words - the K sound, is as it appears in the words KING, BOOK, CAKE and TAKER.

By and large the sanctity of the K sound is maintained in all words where the K letter features. Normally, it is also the dominant sound when used with other letters. For instance, in BACK, ASK, TINKLE and CASKET.

The letter K holds itself even with letters such as H or N as the words KHAKI and SHANK prove.

1 .
Choose the group in which no words contain the K sound.
kettle, dislike, kayak
naked, napkin, shaky
mankind, market, monkey
descent, science, knowledge
The K is silent in 'knowledge'. Note that words such as 'mascot' and 'rascal' borrow the K sound. The words in the other options use the normal K sound
2 .
Choose the sentence about the letter K which is false.
The word 'keepsake' has two K sounds.
The word knowledgeable has no K sound.
The word 'knuckle' has only one K sound.
The word 'kick' has only one K sound.
In 'kick' both the K sounds are used
3 .
How many K sounds can you find in the sentence - 'My pride took a knock as the teacher rapped me on the knuckles'?
Remember that in 'knock' and 'knuckles' the first K is silent as it comes before an N
4 .
How many K sounds can you find in the sentence - 'I cursed myself for taking my cute niece on the bus from the First Block bus stop near my house'? Don't forget that C is often pronounced with the K sound!
Remember that 'cute' and 'cursed' are words with U following C and in such words the K sound is used
5 .
Choose the group in which each word contains the K sound.
knowhow, cipher, cyst, lunacy
prank, cater, darkness, cajole
knife, space, audience, balance
piece, peace, kneel, penknife
K lends its sound to many words where C is followed by A. The words in the other options have a silent K in them or a C which is pronounced with the S sound
6 .
Choose the group in which each word contains the K sound.
excess, knaves, scene, obscene
chancy, captaincy, knight, infancy
knead, sufficient, pharmacy, policy
cucumber, donkey, curse, killer
K lends its sound to many words where C is followed by U. The words in the other options have either a silent K in them a C pronounced with the S sound
7 .
Choose the group in which no words contain the K sound.
ankle, bark, earmark, shackle
hulk, ink, jack, creak
knob, cease, known, civet
keynote, leak, mistake, milk
The K is silent in 'knob' and 'known'. The words in the other answers with a letter C in them are pronounced with the S sound and the words in other options with a letter K use the normal K sound
8 .
How many K sounds can you find in the sentence - 'The words cradle, crutches, clear, cycle, knead, knockout and kickback are difficult words to pronounce'? Don't forget the Cs!
Remember K is silent in 'knead' and at the beginning of 'knockout'. Also, note that K lends its sound to many words where C is followed by a consonant or the letter U
9 .
Choose the group in which each word contains the K sound.
king, cope, cover, baker
knee, know, knit, knot
cede, city, cellar, cite
rancid, acetate, cyber, acidity
K lends its sound to many words where C is followed by O. In answer 2 all the words have a silent K. The Cs in answers 3 and 4 don't use the K sound but the S sound instead
10 .
How many K sounds can you find in the sentence - 'When the lights came on the thief was taken aback and, in a kneejerk reaction, knocked down the ancient musket'.
Remember that the first K is silent both in 'kneejerk' and 'knocked' as it is followed by a letter N
Author:  V T Narendra

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