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Grammar 20 - Transitive Verbs and their Objects
"After golfing, I enjoy a swim." - Can you spot the transitive verb and its object in this sentence?

Grammar 20 - Transitive Verbs and their Objects

Transitive and intransitive verbs are verbs that have different characteristics. Transitive verbs require an object after them to ensure correct meaning is expressed. As in the following sentences:

‘At a young age, Chiranjivi Milkha Singh BECAME a professional golfer.’ - Here the verb BECAME cannot express itself completely without the object that follows it, 'a professional golfer'.

‘Chiranjivi Milkha Singh HAD a good year in 2013.’ - Here the verb HAD cannot express itself completely without the object that follows it, 'a good year'.

In order to identify transitive verbs it is useful to remember that they express an action aimed at either an idea, a thing, a person or a place and the action is transferred from the subject to the receiver of the action. The words that are associated with the action of the transitive verbs are not only objects but also nouns. Transitive verbs are always action verbs.

1 .
"Satyarthi received the Nobel Prize." - Choose the transitive verb and its object.
received - Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize - received
received - Satyarthi
received - the
The object (Nobel Prize) answers the question what did the subject (Satyarthi) receive
2 .
"The medical volunteer rescued the child from the boat." - Choose the transitive verb and its object.
medical volunteer - rescued
rescued - boat
rescued - child
rescued - medical volunteer
The object (child) answers the question what did the subject (medical volunteer) rescue
3 .
"After golfing, I enjoy a swim." - Choose the transitive verb and its object.
enjoy - swim
golfing - swim
enjoy - I
golfing - I
The object (swim) answers the question what did the subject (I) enjoy
4 .
"The principal named the rowdies." - Choose the transitive verb and its object.
named - principal
The - named
named - rowdies
named - the
The object (rowdies) answers the question what did the subject (principal) name
5 .
"The marooned people ate the food quickly." - Choose the transitive verb and its object.
food - ate
ate - marooned people
quickly - food
ate - food
The object (food) answers the question what did the subject (marooned people) eat
6 .
"The marksman inflicted a wound." - Choose the transitive verb and its object.
inflicted - the
wound - inflicted
inflicted - marksman
inflicted - wound
The object (wound) answers the question what did the subject (marksman) inflict
7 .
"The manager ordered his salesmen to move in the market." - Choose the transitive verb and its object.
to move - salesmen
ordered - manager
ordered - market
ordered - salesmen
The object (salesmen) answers the question what did the subject (manager) order
8 .
"I recited a poem." - Choose the transitive verb and its object.
I - recited
recited - poem
poem - recited
recited - I
The object (poem) answers the question what did the subject (I) recite
9 .
"They have your textbooks for reading." - Choose the transitive verb and its object.
have - textbooks
have - they
reading - textbooks
textbooks - have
The object (textbooks) answers the question what did the subject (they) have
10 .
"She remembers her childhood." - Choose the transitive verb and its object.
childhood - remembers
remembers - childhood
remembers - she
remembers - her
The object (childhood) answers the question what did the subject (she) remember
Author:  V T Narendra

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