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Mammals - North American Mammals
The Chipmunk features in this quiz. Here is a closer look at one just because we like them so much!

Mammals - North American Mammals

North America, the planet's third largest continent, includes 23 countries and dozens of possessions and territories. It contains all Caribbean and Central America countries, Canada, Mexico, the United States of America, as well as Greenland - the world's largest island.

Positioned in the planet's northern and western hemispheres, it's bordered in the north by the Arctic Ocean, in the east by the Atlantic Ocean, in the southeast by the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico, and in the west by the Pacific Ocean.

1 .
Can you identify this North American mammal?
Photograph courtesy of Linda Tanner
Web-footed Marsh Rat
Brown Rat
  • Order: Rodentia
  • Family: Cricetidae
  • Genus: Ondatra
  • Species: O. zibethicus
  • Spend a lot of time in water and are able to swim underwater for up to 17 minutes.
  • Occasionally been a food resource for humans.
  • Said to taste like rabbit or duck.
2 .
Polar bears are especially susceptible to Trichinella, a parasitic roundworm they contract through what?
Photograph courtesy of Luna sin estrellas
Oil spills
  • Order: Carnivora
  • Family: Ursidae
  • Genus: Ursus
  • Species: U. maritimus
  • The world's largest land carnivore.
  • Native predominantly within the Arctic Circle.
  • Generally born on land, but they spend most of their lives at sea.
  • Classified as a vulnerable species.
3 .
In Canada, the bison is the official animal of which province?
Photograph courtesy of Jack Dykinga
  • Order: Artiodactyla
  • Family: Bovidae
  • Genus: Bison
  • Species: B. bison
  • Also known as the American buffalo.
  • Very nearly went extinct in the 19th Century due to commercial hunting.
  • There is a rare white buffalo which is considered sacred by many Native Americans.
The bison also appears on the Manitoba flag
4 .
Can you identify this North American mammal?
Photograph courtesy of Inklein
Northern Pocket Gopher
Mountain Beaver
Yellow-bellied marmot
  • Order: Rodentia
  • Family: Sciuridae
  • Genus: Marmota
  • Species: M. flaviventris
  • Also known as the rock chuck.
  • A herbivore that eats grasses, flowers and forbs.
  • The communicate mainly by whistles, screams and tooth chatters.
5 .
'Chipmunk' comes from the Odawa word 'jidmoonh'. What does jidmoonh mean?
Photograph courtesy of Cephas
Moon cheeks
Harvest chuck
Red squirrel
  • Order: Rodentia
  • Family: Sciuridae
  • Genus: Tamias
  • Species: T. striatus
  • Conspicuous due to the striped fur on their backs.
  • Transport food in pouches in their cheeks.
  • Habitat is deciduous woods and urban parks.
6 .
Coyotes sometimes mate with domestic dogs. What are the hybrids called?
Photograph courtesy of
  • Order: Carnivora
  • Family: Canidae
  • Genus: Canis
  • Species: C. latrans
  • Also known as the American jackal or prairie wolf.
  • If wolves have been exterminated in certain areas, coyotes tend to flourish.
  • Have been spotted in New York City's Central Park.
7 .
What are young raccoons called?
Photograph courtesy of Saaws
  • Order: Carnivora
  • Family: Procyonidae
  • Genus: Procyon
  • Species: P. lotor
  • Most of its fur coat is dense underfur which insulates against the cold weather.
  • Easily identified by its 'face mask'.
  • Of the five senses, the most important for this animal is the sense of touch.
8 .
What is the arctic hare alternatively known as?
Photograph courtesy of Steve Sayles
Polar hare
White hare
White rabbit
Polar rabbit
  • Order: Lagomorpha
  • Family: Leporidae
  • Genus: Lepus
  • Species: L. arcticus
  • Usually solitary but they will travel together.
  • Can run up to 64 km (40 miles) an hour.
  • In the far north, it becomes white during the winter to blend with the snow.
9 .
Can you identify this North American mammal?
Photograph courtesy of Calibas
Canadian Lynx
  • Order: Carnivora
  • Family: Felidae
  • Genus: Lynx
  • Species: L. rufus
  • Widespread and populations are healthy.
  • Prefers rabbits and hares, but will hunt insects and small rodents too.
  • Can appear in suburban backyards and if chased by a dog, it usually climbs a tree.
10 .
Which fictional bear was named after a female black bear cub?
Photograph courtesy of Alan Vernon
Paddington bear
Winnie the Pooh
Yogi bear
Rupert bear
  • Order: Carnivora
  • Family: Ursidae
  • Genus: Ursus
  • Species: U. americanus
  • Native to North America, this bear is the continent's smallest and most common bear species.
  • When hibernating, their heart rate drops from 40-50 beats per minute to 8 beats per minute.
'Winnipeg' lived at London Zoo from 1915 until her death in 1934


Author:  Sarah Garratty

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