Among others, Noah and Moses were prophets of Islam.
Belief in the Prophets of Allah is a central part of Islamic faith. To have faith in the Prophets (or Messengers) is to firmly believe that Allah chose morally upright men to bear His message and pass it to humanity.
The Quran mentions twenty five prophets, In Arabic two different words are used, Nabi and Rasool. A Nabi is a prophet and a Rasool is a messenger or an apostle. The two words are close in meaning. Allah says in the Quran “And indeed we sent to every nation a messenger saying “Worship Allah and to shun the false deities. (Quran 16:36)
Allah describes true believers are those who: “…believe in what has been sent down to you (Muhammad) and what has been sent down before you…” (Quran 2:4)