When were the Americas discovered? The answer many people will give to that question is 1492, when (according to the rhyme) Cristopher Columbus 'sailed the ocean blue'. But they would be wrong. Columbus was not even the first European to visit the Americas. The Vikings had settlements there before 1000 AD, 500 years before Columbus 'discovered' the land.
Did the Vikings discover America then? The answer is still... no! Some 4,500 years ago a wave of settlers entered the continent from Asia via Alaska. But even these were not the first. Between 40,000-17,000 years ago the first migrants entered from Siberia and their descendants colonised both North and South America.
With the coming of Columbus and the consequent European invasion, the make-up of the Americas changed, and with the eventual break-up of the European empires, the countries we know today came into being. This quiz is about some of those countries, and their flags.
This is another flag which bears the name of the country it represents, which should have made the question just that little bit easier!