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Author - Charles Dickens 2
Some of Dickens' works were illustrated by his friend, George Cruikshank.

Author - Charles Dickens 2

This is the second in our series of four quizzes on the classic Victorian author, Charles Dickens – the creator of some of literature’s most well-known and best loved characters. From the nasty villain to the innocent child, the comical to the tragic, Dickens characters come to life in the minds of his readers.

Dickens’ literary career began in the world of journalism. He started writing for the journals The Mirror of Parliament and The True Sun before he was made the parliamentary journalist for The Morning Chronicle newspaper. From here his career began to pick up and Sketches by Boz, collection of short works written under an assumed name was published in 1837. His first novel, The Pickwick Papers, was published around the same time and Dickens success bloomed.

How well do you know the life and works of Charles Dickens? Test yourself in this, the second of four fun quizzes!

1 .
What was the first name of Charles Dickens' wife?
Charles and Catherine had 10 children together
2 .
In which Dickens novel was the death of Little Nell featured?
David Copperfield
Great Expectations
Oliver Twist
The Old Curiosity Shop
The story is the tragic tale of Nell Trent and her grandfather, and their journey away from misery
3 .
What nom de plume did Charles Dickens use?
Boz was Dickens' family nickname
4 .
For what was Charles Dickens' father imprisoned in 1824?
Getting into debt carried quite a stigma in 19th century Britain, as imprisonment was common
5 .
Which was not a Dickens character - Bill Sikes, Mr Pecksniff, Sam Weller, Tom Sawyer?
Bill Sikes
Mr Pecksniff
Sam Weller
Tom Sawyer
Tom Sawyer was created by Mark Twain
6 .
Which Dickens novel features scenes from The French Revolution?
A Tale Of Two Cities
Barnaby Rudge
Nicholas Nickleby
The Pickwick Papers
The two cities in the title are London and Paris
7 .
In 1832 what did Charles Dickens nearly become?
Professional actor
Professional magician
Professional painter
Professional sculptor
Dickens had an audition at Covent Garden but he missed it because of a cold
8 .
Where in England was the author Charles Dickens born?
Though Dickens was born in Portsmouth, the family moved to London when he was 3 years old
9 .
In which Dickens novel did the character Mr Micawber appear?
David Copperfield
Great Expectations
Oliver Twist
The Old Curiosity Shop
The character, known for his phrase "something will turn up", has become synonymous with a person who lives in hopeful expectation
10 .
Which of Charles Dickens' works remained unfinished at the time of his death?
A Tale Of Two Cities
The Mystery Of Edwin Drood
Great Expectations
Our Mutual Friend
As the book was not finished Drood's killer is not revealed. His uncle, John Jasper, is the most likely murderer but no-one can be certain


Author:  Tony Rennick

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