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Writing 1 - Creative Writing
Creative writing often contains a hero as one of its characters.

Writing 1 - Creative Writing

Any writing that stems from the imagination of a writer can be termed creative writing. The English language gives us a framework to put our imagination into writing in a manner that is unique to us as a writer. This does not mean that everyone can be creative. After all, somebody has to read what the writer has written and like it for the writer to feel happy about his work. Where does the scope for creativity come? It comes basically from the way English as a language is structured.

The letters in the alphabet help us to form words. These words are grouped into sentences and these sentences are grouped into paragraphs, and so on. There are thousands of words that are grouped into the 8 different parts of speech. Grammar is the set of rules that needs to be followed so that everyone who knows English can communicate with one another. It is here that the creativity comes in!

1 .
What are the elements of creative writing?
Character, setting and language.
Plot, structure and action.
Issues, narration, dialogue and style.
All the above.
These elements are always found in some form or the other in any creative writing, whether they are novels, scripts, poetry or short stories
2 .
Which of the following does not form a part of the 'character' element in creative writing?
The thread of a story.
People, animals and creatures provide the human element in creative writing that allows the reader to empathise with the character. The thread is the course the story takes
3 .
Which of the following does not form a part of the 'settings' element in creative writing?
A place or a building.
A city or a village.
An unfolding story.
A planet or a universe.
A place is necessary for the setting in creative writing whilst an unfolding story is similar to its thread
4 .
Which of the following does not form a part of the 'language' element in creative writing?
Any language understood by people such as Hindi, English or Spanish is necessary for creative writing. A robot would be a character in a story
5 .
Which of the following does not form a part of the 'plot' element in creative writing?
Primary thread.
Secondary thread.
Actions of characters.
The plot can comprise a main plot and several sub plots which are all linked by threads, whilst all the actions of the characters help in moving the plot along. Russian is a language a story might be told in
6 .
Which of the following does not form a part of the 'structure' element in creative writing?
Beginning, Middle, Ending.
Verses and stanzas.
Stories have a beginning, middle and an ending, poetry has verse and stanza and scripts have acts. A hero, on the other hand, could be found in all three and is a character rather than part of the structure
7 .
Which of the following does not form a part of the 'action' element in creative writing?
A plane crashing.
A fight on a road.
The primary thread .
An emotional outburst.
An action element is just what the word means: characters are involved in actions which could be in various settings. Primary threads were discussed in question 5
8 .
Which of the following does not form a part of the 'issues' element in creative writing?
Problems faced by characters.
The Prime Minister of India.
Solutions created by characters.
An altercation between two persons.
Issues form the lifeline of creative writing as the reader is taken through one issue into another. The Prime Minister of India would be a character rather than an issue
9 .
Which of the following does not form a part of the 'dialogue' element in creative writing?
Main character.
Supporting character.
Dialogues are what characters say in the story or what actors speak out in a play. Places form the setting for a story
10 .
Which of the following does not form a part of the 'narration' element in creative writing?
First plot.
First person.
Second person.
Third person.
Narration is concerned with who is telling the story. It can be told in the first, second or third person. The narration can also be different for different classes of readers. The first plot would be similar to the first thread
Author:  V T Narendra

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