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Spelling 4 - Nouns
Is this a songbird, a sungbord, a singberd or a sangburd?

Spelling 4 - Nouns

Nouns are a vital part of the English language and we have learnt their many classifications, such as collective nouns, abstract nouns and compound nouns. Spellings are almost as vital as nouns in written English and learning the spellings of nouns would be very useful.

English has a peculiarity, especially in its spellings. You know that there is no ambiguity about letters. There are twenty-six of them in the alphabet, of which five are vowels and twenty-one are consonants. It is an unwritten rule that every word must contain at least one of the five vowels. As usual, there are some exceptions with words, such as SKY and RHYTHM, which do not have any of the vowels.

1 .
Choose the option which has the wrong spelling.
ocean state Bangalore
mounten bulding websiete
student father Joseph
country London sister
The correct spellings are 'mountain', 'building' and 'website'. Note that all the words in the question are either common nouns or proper nouns
2 .
Choose the option which has the wrong spelling.
catche armyie flite
choir crew band
bunch crowd gang
team troupe pack
The correct spellings are 'catch', 'army' and 'flight'. Note that all the words in the question are collective nouns. For instance, an army of ants. Try to find out for whom or what the other words could be used
3 .
Choose the option which has the wrong spelling.
justice faith kindness
pleasure liberty freedom
hope delight despair
knowledg patrioteism freindship
The correct spellings are 'knowledge', 'patriotism' and 'friendship'. Note that all the words in this question are abstract nouns
4 .
Choose the option which has the wrong spelling.
pride deceit honesty
trust compassion bravery
misery childhood truth
curage loyelty integriety
The correct spellings are 'courage', 'loyalty' and 'integrity'. Note that all the words in this question are abstract nouns
5 .
Choose the option which has the wrong spelling.
audience staff panel
flock board haul
audiance regimant tribie
host zoo litter
The correct spellings are 'audience', 'regiment' and 'tribe'. Note that all the words in the question are collective nouns. For instance, a litter of puppies. Try to find out for whom or what the other words could be used
6 .
Choose the option which has the wrong spelling.
suitcase painkiller copycat
gunpowder pigtail cowboy
headlight racehorse handbag
ratlesnake pocketnife weelchair
The correct spellings are 'rattlesnake', 'pocketknife' and 'wheelchair'. Note that all the words in the question are compound nouns. Compound nouns are formed from two words. For instance, pocket and knife combine to form pocketknife. Note that the spelling of the compound word is the same as the two individual words put side by side
7 .
Choose the option which has the wrong spelling.
charm squabble fling
convacation geggle exeltation
bevy covey rush
spring mutation trip
The correct spellings are 'convocation', 'gaggle' and 'exaltation'. Note that all the words in the question are collective nouns. For instance, a fling of sandpipers. Try to find out for whom or what the other words could be used
8 .
Choose the option which has the wrong spelling.
relity wisdam calmnes
patience excellence beauty
sadness happiness jealousy
envy thought information
The correct spellings are 'reality', 'wisdom' and 'calmness'. Note that all the words in the question are abstract nouns
9 .
Choose the option which has the wrong spelling.
fishbowl chairman nightclub
overtime summertime gatecrasher
fruitcake notebook overseas
courtyarde copyrite cornarstone
The correct spellings are 'courtyard', 'copyright' and 'cornerstone'. Note that all the words in the question are compound nouns. Compound nouns are formed from two words. For instance, court and yard combine to form courtyard. Note that the spelling of the compound word is the same as the two individual words put side by side
10 .
Choose the option which has the wrong spelling.
godfather overcoat floodlight
firewood newspaper soundtrack
sweatheart stopewatch clackwork
fingerprint songbird footnote
The correct spellings are 'sweetheart', 'stopwatch' and 'clockwork'. Note that all the words in the question are compound nouns. Compound nouns are formed from two words. For instance, god and father combine to form godfather. Note that the spelling of the compound word is the same as the two individual words put side by side
Author:  V T Narendra

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