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Spelling 1 - Find the Wrong Spellings
How many aces - for, foar, fore or four?

Spelling 1 - Find the Wrong Spellings

The English language has an alphabet comprising five vowels and twenty-one consonants. These letters help us to construct words which allow us to communicate with one another through our writing. Spellings play an important role in understanding English and they help us to organise letters in particular ways to form words by following conventions. For instance, COUGH and STAFF have different end spellings but have the same end pronunciation.

Spellings are absolutely necessary for communication. If there were no conventional spellings in English, and no conventional pronunciations, then all of us would be confused and we would not be able to communicate with one another at all!.

1 .
Choose the option which has the wrong spelling.
entarprising indastrious diligant
warm friendly sociable
allay mitigate placate
lighthearted joking jovial
The correct spellings are 'enterprising', 'industrious' and 'diligent'. Can you see a pattern in the groups of words in the other options? They are all synonyms
2 .
Choose the option which has the wrong spelling.
patiance friendsip kindnese
joy honesty goodness
truth bravery sorrow
smartness pride cruelty
The correct spellings are 'patience', 'friendship' and 'kindness'. Can you see a pattern in the groups of words in the other options? They are all abstract nouns
3 .
Choose the option which has the wrong spelling.
untruth lie dishonesty
amiabal affabal cordiall
dankness sogginess wetness
worry nervousness dread
The correct spellings are 'amiable', 'affable' and 'cordial'. Note that the words ending with LE and AL are pronounced similarly. Can you see a pattern in the groups of words in the other options? They are all synonyms
4 .
Choose the option which has the wrong spelling.
wrong knead fight
tight heard rough
wrinkle psychology neighbour
onest sunami wrrap
The correct spellings are 'honest', 'tsunami' and 'wrap'. Can you see a pattern in the groups of words in the other options? They all have silent letters
5 .
Choose the option which has the wrong spelling.
waste waist west
rite write right
peare peare paire
where wear ware
The correct spellings are 'pear', 'pare' and 'pair'. Can you see a pattern in the groups of words in the other options? They are all homophones - that is words with different spellings but the same pronunciation
6 .
Choose the option which has the wrong spelling.
cof lof truf
amaze astound puzzle
happy joyful delight
sad unhappy dismal
The correct spellings are 'cough', 'laugh' and 'trough'. Remember 'gh' in these words is pronounced with the sound of the consonant 'f'.' Can you see a pattern in the groups of words in the other options? They are all synonyms
7 .
Choose the option which has the wrong spelling.
adore love like
below under lower
wriet knough glisen
send remit transmit
The correct spellings are 'write', 'know' and 'glisten'. These are words with silent letters. Can you see a pattern in the groups of words in the other options? They are all synonyms
8 .
Choose the option which has the wrong spelling.
glow bright daylight
thorow burow aldoh
academy school college
astute smart brainy
The correct spellings are 'thorough', 'borough' and 'although'. Remember in these words 'gh' is silent. Can you see a pattern in the groups of words in the other options? They are all synonyms
9 .
Choose the option which has the wrong spelling.
fat plump obese
trustworthy straightforward open
slender thin lean
liet miet siet
The correct spellings are 'light', 'might' and 'sight'. Remember in these words 'gh' is silent. Can you see the pattern in the groups of words in the other options? They are all synonyms
10 .
Choose the option which has the wrong spelling.
gnu knew new
wrong wrung rung
seas sees seize
foar foare foure
The correct spellings are 'for', 'fore' and 'four'. Can you see a pattern in the groups of words in the other options? They are all homophones
Author:  V T Narendra

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