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Simile 2 - Find the Simile
As pretty as an eel?

Simile 2 - Find the Simile

How many times have you felt that two of your favourite teachers are as different as night and day? One is so outgoing and the other is so soft spoken, but both are excellent teachers. When you used the stark difference between night and day to describe the difference between two of your teachers you were making use of a figure of speech in English called a SIMILE.

Similes help to drive home a point forcefully when two disparate things are linked with a common feature between them. Similes make use of the words AS and LIKE to establish the common feature. Similes are among the many figures of speech used by writers and speakers to express themselves very clearly and in a colourful way.

1 .
From the four options pick the phrase which completes the simile with A RED ROSE.
Fight like
Love is like
Watching the show like
Sleep like
Fight like cats and dogs, watching the show like watching grass grow and sleep like a log are the similes for the phrases in the other options
2 .
From the four options pick the phrase which completes the simile with GOLD.
As good as
As brave as
As funny as
As clean as
As brave as a lion, as funny as a barrel of monkeys and as clean as a whistle are the similes for the phrases in the other options
3 .
From the four options pick the phrase which completes the simile with A PIG.
Soar like
Work like
Eat like
Eyes like
Soar like an eagle, work like a dog and eyes like a hawk are the similes for the phrases in the other options
4 .
From the four options pick the phrase which completes the simile with A GHOST.
As bold as
As sure as
As sweet as
As white as
As bold as brass, as sure as death and as sweet as sugar are the similes for the phrases in the other options
5 .
From the four options pick the phrase which completes the simile with AN OX.
As easy as
As solid as
As nutty as
As strong as
As easy as shooting fish in a barrel, as solid as the ground we stand on and as nutty as a fruitcake are the similes for the phrases in the other options
6 .
From the four options pick the phrase which completes the simile with A FRIGHTENED RABBIT.
Sing like
Racing like
Bright like
Burst like
Sing like an angel, bright like the sun and burst like a balloon are the similes for the phrases in the other options
7 .
From the four options pick the phrase which completes the simile with THE OCEAN.
As deep as
As dry as
As tough as
As tall as
As dry as a bone, as tough as nails and as tall as a giraffe are the similes for the phrases in the other options
8 .
From the four options pick the phrase which completes the simile with AN EEL.
As pretty as
As different as
As thin as
As slippery as
As pretty as a picture, as different as night and day and as thin as a toothpick are the similes for the phrases in the other options
9 .
From the four options pick the phrase which completes the simile with A GLOVE.
Soft like
Stand out like
Fits like
Buzzing like
Soft like velvet, stand out like a sore thumb and buzzing like a bee are the similes for the phrases in the other options
10 .
From the four options pick the phrase which completes the simile with A FISH.
Swim like
Circle like
Voice like
Bed like
Circle like a vulture, voice like fingernails on a chalkboard and bed like a pile of rocks are the similes for the phrases in the other options
Author:  V T Narendra

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