In the previous quizzes we learnt about nouns and the different types of nouns. We learnt more about compound nouns and the way to form different compound nouns from different words. We continue in the same vein in this quiz.
Compound nouns can be formed by combining almost all of the types of words that form parts of speech. Most compound nouns are formed by just placing the two words side by side in a particular order only. We cannot simply place two words side by side in any order. For instance, consider the words BED and ROOM which together form the compound noun BEDROOM. Now, when we try to place the words in the reverse order we get a word ROOMBED, which does not form a compound noun. Another example is DRAWBACK which is formed out of two words DRAW and BACK and the word BACKDRAW does not form a compound noun. However, BACK and DROP combine to form BACKDROP which is a compound noun.