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Adjectives 1 - Simple Adjectives
A car shiny or a shiny car?

Adjectives 1 - Simple Adjectives

Look at the following sentences:

"That is an elephant."
"She is a girl."
"This is a car."

These sentences identify an animal, a person and a thing. Now, if we add something before the nouns we can get more information:

"That is a LARGE elephant."
"She is a GOOD girl."
"This is a NICE car."

1 .
In the following four sentences identify the one that is the correct usage of the two adjectives, Black and Best.
My friend best has shoes black.
Best my friend has shoes black.
Black my friend shoes best.
My best friend has black shoes.
'Best' describes friend and 'Black' describes shoes. Both adjectives are placed before their respective nouns
2 .
In the following four sentences identify the one that is the correct usage of the two adjectives, Small and Broken.
The child small was crying as he had a toy broken.
The small child was crying as he had a broken toy.
The child was crying as small broken had toy.
The crying was child as toy he had broken small.
'Small' describes the child and 'Broken' descries the toy. The adjectives are correctly placed before their respective nouns
3 .
In the following four sentences identify the one that is the correct usage of the two adjectives, Fat and Thin.
The boy fat hit the boy thin.
The fat boy hit the thin boy.
Boy the fat hit thin the boy.
The boy fat thin hit the boy.
Two boys are described as, 'Fat' and 'Thin' and these adjectives are placed before the nouns they describe. The other sentences are grammatically wrong
4 .
In the following four sentences identify the one that is the correct usage of the three adjectives, Smart, Straight and Bright.
The smart soldiers were standing in a straight line on a bright day.
The soldiers a smart were a straight standing line on a day bright.
Straight a standing the soldiers in line were smart on a day bright.
Standing a soldiers a line straight on bright a day smart were in.
'Smart' describes soldiers, 'Straight' describes the line and 'Bright' describes the day. All three adjectives are placed before their respective nouns. The other sentences are grammatically wrong
5 .
In the following four sentences identify the one that is the correct usage of the three adjectives, Poor, Sharp and Black.
He attacked the bystander poor with a knife sharp to steal the purse black.
He poor attacked the bystander with a knife black to steal the purse sharp.
He attacked the poor bystander with a sharp knife to steal the black purse.
He attacked the poor purse with a sharp knife to steal the bystander black.
The adjectives 'Poor', 'Sharp' and 'Black' are used appropriately to lend meaning to the sentence. Also, 'Poor Purse' could be grammatically correct as the adjective 'Poor' is placed before the noun 'Purse', but does not make sense as 'Poor' is used to describe a person rather than an object
6 .
In the following four sentences identify the one that is the correct usage of the three adjectives, Full, Young and Healthy.
Drinking milk a glass of full makes Satish a boy healthy everyday young.
Milk drinking a glass full everyday makes a boy of Satish young healthy.
Healthy a young boy makes a Satish everyday drinking milk of glass full.
Drinking a full glass of milk everyday makes young Satish a healthy boy.
The correct use of the adjectives 'Full', 'Young' and 'Healthy' before the appropriate nouns makes the sentence more meaningful
7 .
In the following four sentences identify the one that is the correct usage of the three adjectives, Shiny, Flat and Great.
The car shiny travelled on the road flat at speed great.
The shiny car travelled on the flat road at great speed.
Car the shiny travelled on road the flat at speed great.
The great road travelled car shiny on the flat at speed.
The adjectives 'Shiny', 'Flat' and 'Great' are used perfectly to describe their respective nouns. The other three sentences are grammatically wrong
8 .
In the following four sentences identify the one that is the correct usage of the three adjectives, Fast, Wet and Unlucky.
The wet motorbike slipped on the fast road and the unlucky rider was hurt.
The fast motorbike slipped on the unlucky road and the wet rider was hurt.
The fast motorbike slipped on the wet road and the unlucky rider was hurt.
The unlucky motorbike slipped on the fast road and the wet rider was hurt.
Although all the options are grammatically correct, it is important to learn the correct usage of adjectives to make the sentence meaningful
9 .
In the following four sentences identify the one that is the correct usage of the adjective, Yellow.
I hailed the yellow taxi.
I hailed the taxi yellow.
Taxi yellow I hailed.
Hailed yellow I taxi.
The adjective 'Yellow' is placed before the noun 'taxi'
10 .
In the following four sentences identify the one that is the correct usage of the adjective, Angry.
I have father an angry.
I have an angry father.
I angry an father have.
Father an angry I have.
The adjective 'Angry' is placed before the 'noun' father. The other sentences are grammatically wrong
Author:  V T Narendra

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