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Grammar 27 - Connectors - Time
"She gave the puppy a bath. Later she fed it." - Here, LATER is a connector.

Grammar 27 - Connectors - Time

Time plays an important role in our lives, and we are exposed to it from the moment we are born. We are governed by time; it tells us when to get up in the morning, when to go to school, when to attend different classes, when to go back home, when to do our homework and when to retire for the night. Time changes many aspects of English and connectors referring to time are required to communicate properly. This High English quiz on grammar will familiarise you with some of them.

If you were to meet your friend in the coffee shop you would probably give a time when you would meet the person, say 6 PM, or you might refer to a common point of reference in time such as ‘after the science class’ or ‘before we leave for home’. There are several ways of referring to time, such as before or after an event, at the same time, in the past, in the future or at different points in time.

1 .
Choose the pair of sentences that have no time connector.
She brought the puppy home and gave it a bath. Later, she fed it.
The dog will bark without fail every time the ice-cream man passes by. After some time it will start howling.
It is not easy to play cricket. At first, I couldn’t hold the bat properly.
It is not easy to play cricket. With regard to, I couldn’t hold the bat properly.
'With regard to' is a connector that helps in focusing or linking. 'Later', 'after some time' and 'at first' are connectors of time linking two events that happen at different times
2 .
Choose the pair of sentences with the correct time connector.
The metropolis is now called Bengaluru. Furthermore it was Bangalore.
The metropolis is now called Bengaluru. Meanwhile it was Bangalore.
The metropolis is now called Bengaluru. Afterwards it was Bangalore.
The metropolis is now called Bengaluru. Formerly it was Bangalore.
'Formerly' is a time connector that is logical in the sentence as two events are connected by the connector. The connectors used in the other options are not appropriate for what the sentence is conveying
3 .
Choose the sentence that incorrectly uses a time connector.
We go out to play before it starts raining.
We go out to play after we want.
We go out to play as soon as we finish our homework.
We go out to play as long as we want.
Though 'after' is a connector of time the usage in the sentence is erroneous. Note the connector in option 1, 'before', refers to time which is earlier than another event. The connector in option 3, 'as soon as', refers to time that follows immediately after an event. The connector in option 4, 'as long as', refers to time that is perpetual
4 .
Choose the pair of sentences that have no time connector.
There was a trickle of people to purchase items on discount sale. As a matter of fact, there was a deluge of people.
There was a trickle of people to purchase items on discount sale. Then, there was a deluge of people
There was a trickle of people to purchase items on discount sale. After a while, there was a deluge of people.
There was a trickle of people to purchase items on discount sale. Later on, there was a deluge of people
'As a matter of fact' is a connector that shows emphasis. 'Then,' 'after a while' and 'later on' are time connectors that help link two events in time
5 .
Choose the sentence with the correct time connector.
He found him formerly he was leaving the school.
He found him just as he was leaving the school.
He found him throughout he was leaving the school.
He found him previously he was leaving the school.
'Just as' is a time connector that is used to relate to things happening at the same time. Here, 'just as' relates the two events that occurred at the same time. The connectors used in the other options are not appropriate for what the sentence is conveying
6 .
Choose the sentence that has no time connector.
He was dressing at the moment I called.
He was dressing when I called.
He was dressing accordingly I called.
He was dressing at the time I called.
'Accordingly' is a connector showing result. Note the connectors in the other options, 'at the moment,' 'when' and 'at the time', refer to events or actions at the same time
7 .
Choose the sentence with the correct time connector.
Before I left for the station I closed the windows in my house.
Afterwards I left for the station I closed the windows in my house.
Meanwhile I left for the station I closed the windows in my house.
Later I left for the station I closed the windows in my house.
'Before' is a time connector that is logical in the sentence as two actions are connected by the connector. The connectors used in the other options are not appropriate for what the sentence is conveying
8 .
Choose the sentence that has no time connector.
Arpana has been taking a new jogging route nevertheless she saw a man trailing her in the earlier route.
Arpana has been taking a new jogging route since she saw a man trailing her in the earlier route.
Arpana met her friend while jogging in the park.
While jogging in the park, Arpana met her friend.
'Nevertheless' is a connector of contrast. Note that in options 3 and 4 'while' is used slightly differently. In option 4 the connector is at the beginning of the clause and a comma separates the second clause. In option 3 the connector is placed after the main clause without a comma. In option 2 the connector 'since' refers to from that time to now
9 .
Choose the sentence with the correct time connector.
In the meantime I waited for the dentist to call me in, I read an old edition of Time magazine.
Meanwhile I waited for the dentist to call me in, I read an old edition of Time magazine.
While I waited for the dentist to call me in, I read an old edition of Time magazine.
Before I waited for the dentist to call me in, I read an old edition of Time magazine.
'While' is a time connector that connects two actions at the same point in time - waiting and reading a magazine. The connectors used in the other options are not appropriate for what the sentence is conveying
10 .
Choose the sentence that has no time connector.
The sun will have set by the time we leave the office.
The sun will be setting when we leave the office.
I will submit the assignment by the end of the day.
It was windy and cold. Moreover, it was raining.
'Moreover' is a connector adding information and not for showing time. The connectors 'by the time,' 'when' and 'by the end of the day' show time involvement. Note that in all the sentences (except the fourth) we are referring to an event that will happen later
Author:  V T Narendra

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