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Grammar 22 - Connectors
"The CEO can't give his 'phone number to everyone. Likewise, he can't go out with everyone." Here, LIKEWISE is a connector.

Grammar 22 - Connectors

Are you familiar with conjunctions and connectors? Do you know the mnemonic, FANBOYS? Each of the letters stands for a word – 'for', 'and', 'nor', 'but', 'or', 'yet' and 'so'. In English grammar these words are used when linking two similar elements in a sentence. When we have several sentences we also need to connect them so that they flow smoothly and the reader can follow the communication. In situations such as these conjunctions alone are not sufficient. Instead we use words called connectors. This is the first of eight High English quizzes looking at the different types of connectors.

Connectors are expressions and they are words or phrases linking the writer’s thoughts so as to present a cohesive and cogent communication. For instance, take a look at the following paragraph:

Wind energy is less polluting than thermal energy. High investment poses a challenge. States may not show much interest in investing in the sector. Research is on to find technologies that would reduce investment. States are looking at solar energy as an alternate energy source as it is readily, naturally and consistently available throughout the state.

1 .
"The CEO can’t give his phone number to every person who asks for it. _________, he can’t go out with everyone who fancies him."
Fill up the blank to complete the sentence choosing the correct connector from the following.
As a result
For instance
The connector is one of similarity; going out with someone and giving the phone number are similar and the connector expresses the similarity. The connectors in the other options are not appropriate
2 .
"Arpana has a lovely sense of humour. IN THE SAME WAY, her sister Trupti enjoys a good joke."
What is the role of the word in capitals? Choose from the following.
It introduces a new idea.
It introduces contrast.
It introduces results.
It introduces a similar idea.
The phrase is a connector and it tells us that Arpana and Trupti are similar in their disposition. The roles specified in the other options are not appropriate
3 .
"Taxi fares in Bangalore are very high; FURTHERMORE, renting a house here is very expensive."
What is the role of the word in capitals? Choose from the following.
It adds information.
It gives an opposite idea.
It introduces results.
It changes subject.
The word is a connector and it adds additional information to strengthen the argument that Bangalore is an expensive city to stay in. The roles specified in the other options are not appropriate
4 .
"Parineeta is a lazy girl. CONSEQUENTLY she performed poorly in the English test."
What is the role of the word in capitals? Choose from the following.
It introduces contrast.
It introduces a new idea.
It introduces a result.
It introduces new information.
The phrase is a connector and it tells us that because Parineeta is lazy she has done poorly in the test. The roles specified in the other options are not appropriate
5 .
"The school cricket team did not get disheartened by the initial setback. _____________, it began playing a more combative game."
Fill up the blank to complete the sentence, choosing the correct connector from the following.
On the other hand
In other words
For instance
On the contrary
The connector is one of contradicting. The connectors in the other options are not appropriate
6 .
"The objective for development should ____________ encourage development of industries and on the other hand ensure the preservation of the environment."
Fill up the blank to complete the sentence, choosing the correct connector from the following.
on the contrary
for instance
on the one hand
The connector is one of contrast and tries to say that both industries and the environment are important. The connectors in the other options are not appropriate
7 .
"I have found the item in the supermarket. ____________, I met Mrs Anamika, an old class mate of mine, there."
Fill up the blank to complete the sentence, choosing the correct connector from the following.
As a result
The connector is one of change of subject; from shopping, the subject is changed to meeting someone, and that is accomplished by using the connector. The connectors in the other options are not appropriate
8 .
"The latest movie had a poor review. So, she accompanied her friends to see a play INSTEAD."
What is the role of the word in capitals? Choose from the following.
It gives the same idea.
It gives a different idea or an opposite idea.
It gives results.
It gives comparison.
The word is a connector and it tells us that an alternative to the movie was a play. The roles specified in the other options are not appropriate
9 .
"Many pavement eateries cut costs by using cheap ingredients. ___________, take the cooking medium. They use oil which is cheaper than refined oil but harmful."
Fill up the blank to complete the sentence, choosing the correct connector from the following.
For instance
For example
To illustrate
All of the above.
The connectors given in all three options are appropriate as they perform the role of giving examples
10 .
"Though the points raised by the students appear to be rational, ________ that the school will not accept them now."
Fill up the blank to complete the sentence, choosing the correct connector from the following.
I'm afraid
in other words
for instance
on the contrary
The connector is one of softening the effect of some bad news; here a concern is shown by the choice of words. The connectors in the other options are not appropriate
Author:  V T Narendra

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