Quiz playing is a wonderful way to increase your knowledge of English as a Second Language. Remember that all of our ESL quizzes have titles that are both friendly and technical at the same time… In the case of this quiz you might like to tell your friends about “As I Was Saying” but no doubt your teachers will talk about the “Simple & Continuous Tenses quiz”! If you hear a technical term and you want to find a quiz about the subject then just look through the list of quiz titles until you find what you need.
How confident are you at knowing when to use (and how to form) Simple, or Continuous, forms of English verbs?
'As I was saying... ' (at some earlier point in time, e.g. before being interrupted), we should make sure you are happy with this in your everyday use of the language. Here are some questions on simple and continuous tenses to help you check.
Incidentally, the show title 'Me and My Girl' isn't quite 'proper English', because the man ('me') is a poor young man called Bill Snibson. He has been brought up in the East End of London and does not speak standard ('educated') English, where the correct phrase ~ as you probably knew! ~ would be 'My girl and I' (like the Queen with the Duke of Edinburgh 'My husband and I')! In the story he suddenly comes into a large amount of money and a big house in the country, and much of the comedy in the show is about the differences in behaviour and language between how he grew up and what is newly expected of him. This is also a leading theme in another famous musical, 'My Fair Lady'. The English aren't actually obsessed with this issue, but it makes for an interesting story (and lots of good songs)!