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Physics - Conduction and Convection (AQA)
The heat from the burners causes the air inside a hot air balloon to become less dense.

Physics - Conduction and Convection (AQA)

The transfer of heat energy is studied in GCSE Science. This is the fourth of eight quizzes on the topic and it looks specifically at the processes of conduction and convection.

Heat is thermal energy. It only ever travels in one direction - from warmer to cooler. You may have heard people say 'close the door to keep the cold out' but they really should be saying 'close the door to keep the warmth in'. Heat travels in 3 ways, but this quiz is concerned with only two of them - conduction and convection, which both involve the movement of particles.

Heat energy can move through any solid by conduction. Metals are usually good conductors of heat but liquids, gases and solids made mainly from non-metals are usually poor heat conductors. Poor conductors of heat are called 'insulators'.

1 .
Which state(s) of matter is (or are) fluids?
Solids and liquids
Liquids only
Liquids and gases
Gases only
Fluids are substances that can flow
2 .
Why do hot air ballons rise?
The flames from the burner are going upwards and they push the balloon into the air
The helium they contain is lighter than air
The heat from the burners causes the air inside to become less dense
They only rise because the pilot throws out some weight from the basket
Less dense air will rise, exactly as in a convection current. Because it is trapped in the balloon, the balloon goes with it
3 .
Thunderstorms are created by which form(s) of energy transfer in the atmosphere?
Evaporation and conduction
Radiation only
Conduction and radiation
Thunderstorms are created when large amounts of hot moist air rise through the atmosphere. As the moist air rises it cools and the moisture condenses to form rain. The size and speed of movement in this enormous convection current creates high winds and static electricity sparks which you see as lightning
4 .
What is the main way that heat passes through a brick in the wall of a building?
All of the above
A brick is an opaque solid so the only way heat can pass through it is by conduction
5 .
"Particles with more energy move in to take the place of particles with less energy"
What method of heat transfer is being described in the previous sentence?
Whenever you see a question that deals with heat transfer by moving particles it has to be convection
6 .
How does extra heat affect the particles of a metal?
It makes them vibrate faster
It makes them move around more and change places, reducing its density
It slows down the movement of the particles
It melts them
The particles of any solid are fixed in place so the increased energy available from the heat makes them vibrate more vigorously
7 .
On a sunny day, why is it slightly harder to swim back to the shore of a lake than to swim towards the centre?
The sun makes the water at the edge of the lake expand more than at the centre so you are swimming uphill
The sun heats shallow water at the edge faster than the deep water, creating a convection current that flows towards the centre
You are more tired because you have already swum out to the centre of the lake
There is no difference
Since water is transparent the sun can't heat it directly. At the edge, it heats the bed of the lake since the water is shallow. The warmth of the lake bed transfers heat to the water, making it less dense. The less dense water rises, creating a convection current that flows away from the shore. A strong swimmer would probably not notice the difference
8 .
Houses built with thick stone walls usually stay cooler inside during the summer than houses built with thinner brick walls. Why might this be?
Conduction is slower through the thicker walls
No convection can occur through the thicker walls
No conduction can occur through the thicker walls
The clay used to make bricks always contains some impurities that make it a better conductor of heat than stone
This question is testing if you know that one of the factors affecting conduction is the thickness
9 .
Why are metals good heat conductors?
They are shiny and solid
Their particles are far apart
Their particles are packed close together
They are malleable and ductile
As well as having close packed particles, the free electrons in their structure can transport the heat energy through the metal
10 .
In what substances can convection occur?
Only liquids
Liquids and gases
Only gases
Convection occurs in any fluid
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Energy and heating - AQA

Author:  Kev Woodward

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