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Find out about globalisation in this enjoyable quiz.


Globalisation can be defined as being when human activities take place on a worldwide scale creating an interdependence between countries. When something happens in one area, it can have a knock-on effect in other places. For your GCSE in Geography, you need to be aware of the causes of globalisation plus the positive and negative effects on people and the planet.

There has always been a degree of globalisation but since the end of the Second World War, transport and communications have increased massively, making it much easier to exchange trade and cultural ideas. Companies that operated only in their own countries have been able to expand and have become what are called multinational corporations (MNCs) - companies with subsidiaries in many countries. This is helping to create increased wealth in MEDCs, however, the benefits are less for ordinary people living in LEDCs - they are often seen as a source of cheap labour.

1 .
Which of the following is not a factor that has influenced globalisation?
Quarrying for building materials
Bigger and faster ships
Quarrying for building materials is a local business as it is usually more expensive to import suitable building materials from abroad
2 .
Why do some people think that globalisation is not a good thing?
Globalisation will drown out some local traditions and languages
Globalisation does not guarantee that local economies will benefit
International laws about employment conditions and pollution are not enforced
All of the above
There are many positive points for globalisation, make sure you know them for your exam
3 .
When a company invests in a foreign country it is called ...
a gamble
outward investment
inward investment
speculative investment
Such investment does not necessarily fully benefit the local economy
4 .
The term economy of scale means ...
a reduction in costs because of a large quantity
the economy of a nation that depends on fishing
an internationally recognised scale that is used to measure whether a country is a MEDC or LEDC
a way of measuring the profitability of a TNC
When products are made on a large scale, the costs are less. The same applies to transporting of goods or raw materials
5 .
Which of the following is not a result of globalisation?
An increase in international trade
Closing the gap between the world's richest and poorest countries
Interdependent economies
Freer movement of money, services and goods
LEDCs are usually exporters of the less profitable raw materials and food. Exports from MEDCs are usually the more profitable manufactured goods
6 .
A positive benefit of globalisation is ...
it uses up raw materials
it opens up new markets for companies to sell their products and services
it lowers the wages for the local workforce
local farmers can grow more food
This increases profits for the company
7 .
Which of the following is a negative impact of globalisation?
Jobs can be lost in MEDCs
New jobs are created in LEDCs
Foreign currency is introduced into the local economy
Mixing of people from different cultures
Labour costs are usually cheaper in LEDCs so multinational (transnational) companies close down factories in MEDCs and set them up in LEDCs where they can pay less for labour
8 .
Which of the following is not a transnational corporation?
An Indian restaurant in the UK
Motor car manufacturers like Ford and Toyota
Food companies like McDonalds and KFC
Oil companies like Shell
An Indian restaurant is an example of globalisation
9 .
Which of the following statements about globalisation is true?
Larger and faster cargo ships mean that it costs a lot more to transport raw materials and finished goods
Large companies can take advantage of cheaper labour costs and reduced legal restrictions in LEDCs
It has reduced the amount of free trade between countries
It is a lot harder to communicate with people in other countries than it was in the 1950s
The other three answers are exactly the opposite of what has really happened due to globalisation
10 .
Which of the following factors is most likely to attract an MNC to invest in a foreign country?
Workers receive a high average wage
Lack of raw materials
Raw materials are cheaper
Good tourist attractions
If raw materials are cheaper, this can increase profits for the MNC by reducing costs
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Globalisation

Author:  Kev Woodward

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