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Gathering and Using Data
Do you know how to handle weather data?

Gathering and Using Data

A good geographer is able to handle data in a variety of situations and a variety of ways. Geographical data handling includes the collection, interpretation, analysis, presentation, application and evaluation of both primary and secondary data. That sounds like a lot of complicated stuff to do, but if you take it step by step, it becomes a lot easier.

Primary data is original data that you collect for yourself during fieldwork, it is likely that no-one else has collected the exact same data before. Secondary data is data that has already been collected by someone else, usually for a different reason, and is gathered from GIS material and other digital sources, graphs, maps, charts, diagrams etc. Data can take many different forms - numerical, statistical, the results of questions you have asked and so on.

1 .
Which of the following is NOT an example of a student collecting secondary data?
Visiting the local council offices to find population information from the past
Obtaining information about land use from old maps
Using library books to find the GDP of LEDCs in Africa
Observing and recording the numbers of people at different distances from a shopping centre
Observing and recording provides primary data
2 .
A student collects weather data for an environment. One of the data sets is the temperature taken over a period of time using a datalogger. Which of the following would be the most appropriate way of presenting this data?
Line graph
Pie chart
Line graphs can be used with continuous data to spot trends or show changes over time
3 .
Which of the following is not involved in handling data during your geography fieldwork?
Drawing maps
Drawing conlusions
Taking an exam
Carrying out interviews or surveys
These are just a few of the things that you will do during fieldwork, others include taking measurements, sketching buildings, noting land use, carrying out sampling using transects or quadrats ... it's a very long list!
4 .
Which of the following is NOT a data processing technique?
Recording answers to survey questions
Drawing a map to show the results of your data
Drawing a bar chart
Organising data into a table
Recording answers is classed as gathering data, processing is what you do with the results once you have them
5 .
A student wants to collect primary data about a river in their locality. Which of the following would NOT supply primary data?
Old photographs of the river
Measuring the flow rate of the water
Sketching river features
Observing the wildlife on and near to the river
Unless the old photographs had been taken by the student specifically for the purposes of this fieldwork, they would be classed as secondary data
6 .
A student carries out a survey of whether people want a bypass road building to take traffic away from the town centre. The results of their survey of 100 local people is analysed and produces a percentage of people for, against and not bothered. Which of the following would NOT be an appropriate way to present their findings?
A pie chart
A bar chart
A table
Scatter graph with a trend line
There is only one data set, scatter graphs require two
7 .
Which of the following would be an appropriate method of processing data to discover if there is a relationship between GNP and life expectancy?
Pie chart
Scatter graph
Gantt chart
Scatter graphs are used to test if there is a connection between two data sets
8 .
Primary data is:
Data collected by the investigator
Data collected from the internet
Data collected from an atlas
Data collected from a book
Collecting useful primary data needs careful planning of your fieldwork
9 .
Which of the following sources would you use to obtain data about changes to transport links of a small town?
Field sketching
A belt transect
Maps of different ages are a good store of information from the past
10 .
Which of the following techniques could be used to collect population data?
GIS and photographs
Visiting a library and GIS
Maps and observation
Measuring and sketching
GIS contain a lot of useful information and you should always consider it when planning your fieldwork. It may not be appropriate in every case but should never be overlooked as a data source
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Introduction to fieldwork

Author:  Kev Woodward

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