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Climate of the UK
What is the difference between weather and climate?

Climate of the UK

One of the key themes of GCSE geography is weather and climate. You are expected to know the difference between the two terms and to understand the links between air pollution and climate change. You also should be able to give examples of how climate change can affect the lives of people. This quiz is concerned only with the UK climate, and changes in the weather and climate of the United Kingdom. Weather is created on a daily basis but climate is the weather averaged over a period of 30 years. When you start to look closely at climate variation in the UK, it can get quite complicated!

The world can be divided up into different climatic zones. These have different names depending on which system you use, the UK is in the northern temperate (or moderate) zone which is an area where it is most likely to have cold winters and mild summers. This doesn't mean that every winter will be cold or every summer mild, there can be relatively mild winters and some hot summers as well.

1 .
For any given location in the UK, there will be fewer than 10 days on which it thunders. In cities like London and Birmingham, the average is 15 days. Why?
There are more accurate climatic records for these two cities
These two cities are built in areas where thunderstorms are naturally more likely to occur
They both contain many rivers and canals
Large urban areas heat up more than other areas
As they heat up, so does the air in and around them and therefore contains more energy. On particularly hot days, the air becomes warmer than normal and contains sufficient energy to create thunderstorms. This is a good example of how humans can affect climate
2 .
During the 20th century, the average temperatures in the UK have risen. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
The growing season for UK farmers has increased
The UK will experience severe weather more frequently
In general, winters are getting drier and summers are getting wetter
More flooding is likely to occur because of an increase in precipitation
Climate studies show that winters are actually getting wetter and summers drier. Another impact is that rainfall patterns are sometimes out of season - a good example of this is the extreme rainfall experienced during the UK summer of 2007 and 2012
3 .
Why do the Lake District and Wales have high rainfall?
They are mountainous which creates relief rainfall
They are on the east coast
There are no trees
Pollution from tourist vehicles causes passing clouds to drop rain
The air coming in from the Atlantic is warmed and can hold a lot of moisture in the form of water vapour. As the air is pushed upwards by the mountains, it cools and the moisture condenses. In winter, the moisture often falls as snow on the high ground but is still counted as rainfall
4 .
Climate is ...
a measure of the average rainfall of an area
an average of the weather over at least 30 years
a way of predicting exactly what the weather will be doing tomorrow
the average temperature for a country
There are many factors taken into account when describing the climate of an area, temperature and rainfall are two that are most commonly used
5 .
Temperatures in the United Kingdom are affected by which of the following?
All of the above
Average temperatures decrease as you move north, there are some much smaller differences as you travel east or west and the higher you go, the colder it gets
6 .
During the winter, which of the following bring bad weather to the UK?
High pressure air masses
Make sure that you revise the clouds and weather sequence as a depression (low pressure area) passes
7 .
From which direction do the UK's prevailing winds blow?
North west
South west
North east
South east
This brings moist air from the Atlantic Ocean
8 .
Which of the following parts of the UK has the wettest climate?
Air masses arriving from the Atlantic carry a lot of moisture. The western side of the UK has a lot of mountains which push the air masses upwards so they cool down and drop the moisture as precipitation
9 .
Which of the following terms can be used to describe the climate of the UK?
Polar maritime
Temperate maritime
Polar continental
Temperate continental
The word maritime means something to do with the sea
10 .
What is thought to make the climate of the western coast of Scotland generally milder than the centre and the east of the country?
The North Atlantic Drift
It lies below sea level
It gets more sunshine
It hardly ever rains
The North Atlantic Drift is also known as the North Atlantic Current. Winds coming across the Atlantic to the UK are warmed and the west is often 2 - 3 degrees warmer than other areas, including Scotland
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Weather and climate

Author:  Kev Woodward

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