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To Kill a Mockingbird - Understanding the Text
Why does Dill run away from home?

To Kill a Mockingbird - Understanding the Text

This GCSE English Literature quiz focusses on understanding the text in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. Understanding a text is a basic precondition of analysing or writing about it. And yet it is not always an easy task. After all, if authors had a simple message to convey, it would not take them hundreds of pages and thousands of words in which to do so! Reading a text from long ago, or from another country, or even just written in a strong dialect can make the task slightly more difficult. Occasionally it takes a little time to get used to how a particular author writes.

Authors use a variety of methods in order to convey meaning. They do not often state what they mean directly.

1 .
After Scout walks Boo Radley home, she tries to put herself in his place to imagine why he came to help her and Jem. She refers to herself and her brother as...
Boo's friends
Boo's children
Boo's neighbours
All of the above
Scout realises how attached Boo Radley had become to her and her brother over the years
2 .
Tom Robinson has many reasons to be afraid of telling the truth when he is on trial. One of these reasons is that his testimony will cause shame to those accusing him. Which of the following is a source of shame for the Ewells?
Mayella ordered Tom to help her with chores
Tom frequently passed by the Ewell's home on his way to work
Mayella kissed Tom
Mayella could not cope with looking after all her brothers and sisters
Black men and boys were very often accused, as Tom is, of raping white women. That a white woman could have thrown herself at a black man would be deeply shaming to the racists of the town. Telling the truth further endangers Tom's life
3 .
How are the professionals of Maycomb county often paid, according to Atticus?
By being given practical items such as food or firewood
By cheque
By monthly payments of cash
Many of Atticus's clients are poor and are only able to pay in kind. Over the course of a year, Mr Cunningham pays Atticus with firewood, hickory nuts, Christmas holly and turnip greens
4 .
How old is Scout at the beginning of To Kill a Mockingbird?
Nearly six years old
Eight years old
Twenty years old
She does not tell us her age
This is a trick question! Scout narrates the tale as an adult, although she doesn't tell us her age or how long ago the events happened. She begins her story, however, with events which took place when she was nearly six years old
5 .
What is Atticus's profession?
Atticus's profession is integral to the plot
6 .
How does Atticus prove that Tom Robinson could not have caused Mayella's black eye?
He proves that Tom was not present at the Ewell's on the date of the incident
He strongly implies that the assailant must be left-handed
He proves that Mr Ewell is right-handed
He strongly implies that the assailant must be right-handed
Atticus first proves that Mr Ewell is left-handed before revealing the uselessness of Tom's left arm. He then leads Mayella and the jury to realise that only a left-handed assailant could have blackened Mayella's right eye
7 .
Why doesn't Scout like school?
She misses Calpurnia
She is constantly in trouble for bullying
She is bullied by the other children
She feels she doesn't learn anything
Jem tells Scout she won't learn anything until sixth grade
8 .
Why does Dill run away from home?
He doesn't feel wanted or needed
His parents abandoned him
He is physically neglected
His parents are cruel
Dill feels that he has everything he could want except attention
9 .
Which of the following is NOT true?
Many rumours circulate Maycomb concerning Boo Radley
Boo Radley has never left his house before he begins leaving gifts in the knot-hole
Boo Radley was once in danger of going to prison
When Mr Radley dies, his son Nathan takes his place staying in the house with Boo
According to local gossip, Boo Radley was rather wild as a teenager
10 .
Why does the sheriff, Mr Tate, insist that Mr Ewell fell on his own knife?
It is the truth
He is trying to protect Jem
He is trying to protect Boo Radley
He is trying to protect Scout
Mr Tate says that all of the ladies of Maycomb would be knocking on the Radley door and offering him cake in gratitude, if they knew he had saved the children's lives
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - To Kill a Mockingbird

Author:  Sheri Smith

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