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Lord of the Flies - Themes
Test your knowledge of Lord of the Flies in this enjoyable quiz.

Lord of the Flies - Themes

This GCSE English Literature quiz takes a look at theme in Lord of the Flies by William Golding. Theme, in literature, is an idea conveyed by a text. Even the most simple work of literature is certain to contain several themes. These themes can range from those you couldn’t possibly miss to the more subtle ideas you only notice after reading a work for the third time. The various themes of a text will usually interact in conversation with one another, rather than operating in isolation. Authors use the essential elements of fiction, including setting, character, plot and dialogue, in order to develop theme.

You have probably noticed that related ideas and concepts pop up in different places in a text you are reading. These related ideas are the text’s themes. To analyse them, you might begin by considering how these ideas are introduced and develop over the course of the text. One good place to start is by considering your own opinions: have you been prompted to reconsider any of your own opinions on the ideas with which the text is concerned?

1 .
In Lord of the Flies, where is evil located?
In nature
In the boys themselves
Only in the rule of law
Only in the outside, adult world
While all the other boys fear the unknown, Simon recognises that evil, or the will to do violence to others, comes from within
2 .
The conch is the agreed symbol of authority on the island. It challenges which of the following?
Authority conveyed by age
Authority conveyed by uniform
Authority wielded through violence
All of the above
The conch symbolises the authority conveyed by agreement and by the boys' consent to be governed by rules and by their chosen leader. This form of authority is challenged when the strongest, the oldest and the most violent boys set up their own camp and is eventually defeated when the attack on Piggy also smashes the conch
3 .
Ralph mourns for Piggy at the end of the novel. How does he remember his companion?
As a useful comrade
As a true and wise friend
As an insufferable know-it-all
As an annoying, but ultimately lovable, ally
Piggy was Ralph's most loyal friend, his loyalty remaining unshaken even when the two were in disagreement
4 .
When the boys first begin to explore, the island appears to be which of the following?
The island has everything which the boys will need for survival and resembles the islands of adventure stories. The novel also references the story of the Garden of Eden, in which Adam and Eve are tempted by the devil in the guise of a serpent. The Lord of the Flies refers to the devil, and the first reports of the Beast describe it as a snake. The boys "fall" from this initial paradisal state
5 .
Hunting pigs gives the boys a taste for violence. Which of the following is also correct?
Hunting pigs makes each of the boys aware of the need to control violent impulses
The practice of hunting pigs leads to the creation of a more cooperative society on the island
Hunting pigs is important to the survival of the boys
Hunting pigs does not contribute any benefit to the boys
Having meat to eat aids the boys' chance of survival, but the practice of hunting leads to a violent society in which the weak become dependent on the strong and are expected to obey in return for food
6 .
Samneric feel both nervous and guilty when speaking to Ralph and warning him that Jack plans to hunt and torture him. Their internal conflict relates to which one of the following themes?
The separation of camps on the island, which results in division, highlights the importance of loyalty. Jack demands loyalty and would see Samneric's conversation with the "enemy" as disloyal. The twins' continuing loyalty to Ralph leads them to feed and to warn him, although they do not intend to defend or protect him (and thus draw the violence onto themselves)
7 .
The first priorities for the boys are to explore the island, build shelter, make a fire, find food and agree basic hygiene rules. These efforts are related to which of the following?
The innate violence of humanity
The innate generosity of children
The relationship between hunting and uncivilised behaviour
The relationship between rules, cooperation, survival and civilisation
In the beginning all the boys accept the need for cooperation and rules to ensure survival. Their incipient civilisation falls apart as the group descends into a more basic group structure defined by power and violence
8 .
The boys, who have been through a traumatic evacuation and plane crash, suffer from nightmares and generalised fear. What name do they give to their fear?
The Lord of the Flies
The Beast
The Wreck
The Nightmare
One of the boys claims to have seen a snake-like beast which came in the darkness, wanting to eat the children, before turning into vines in the morning. This boy is the first to die on the island when the fire gets out of control
9 .
Which of the following appears to be missing from the final episode in the novel, when the boys are finally rescued?
Even rescue does not offer hope. The adults who arrive on the island after it has been set on fire are themselves engaged in violence and war - there is no escape
10 .
Which of the following is NOT linked to the theme of violence in the novel?
The boys' arrival on the island
The choice of leader on the boys' first day on the island
The hunting of pigs
The deaths of Simon and Piggy
The election of Ralph as leader represents the initial cooperative decision-making which later collapses into violent action as the boys hunt, steal resources and eventually kill
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Lord of the Flies

Author:  Sheri Smith

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