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The Earth and its Atmosphere
Oxygen started to appear on Earth due to blue-green algae which formed colonies called stromatolites.

The Earth and its Atmosphere

The Earth's inner and outer layers and their composition is one of the topics covered in GCSE Chemistry. In this quiz we look at the gases which make up the Earth's atmosphere and how they got there.

When the Earth was formed about 4,500 million years ago, it was a very different place. The surface was extremely hot, possibly even molten, there were no oceans and little or no atmosphere. It is believed that the early atmosphere was formed from volcanic gases and was highly toxic. It is not known for sure but one theory suggests that during the first billion years of its existence, the Earth’s atmosphere was mainly carbon dioxide and there would have been little or no oxygen, rather like the atmospheres of Mars and Venus today. There may also have been water vapour which eventually condensed to form the oceans, and small proportions of methane and ammonia.

1 .
Which was thought to be the most abundant gas in the Earth's early atmosphere?
Carbon dioxide
Oxygen didn't appear until the cyanobacteria had evolved. These microorganisms were able to photosynthesise
2 .
Carbon dioxide entered the early atmosphere when it was released from...
the oceans
the volcanoes
comets from space
water in the atmosphere
Volcanoes released other gases into the atmosphere too, including water vapour
3 .
The percentage of water on the planet did NOT increase due to...
condensation from the atmosphere
Plants give out oxygen as a waste product of the process of photosynthesis
4 .
Which of the following gases is thought NOT to have been present in the early atmosphere?
Carbon dioxide
Water vapour
Oxygen did not appear until the evolution of photosynthesising organisms
5 .
Oxygen started to appear on Earth due to what organisms?
Blue-green algae
More accurately called cyanobacteria
6 .
What process produces oxygen as a waste product?
During photosynthesis, the useful product glucose is made from water and carbon dioxide. The process gets its energy from sunlight
7 .
Which of the following is NOT a reason for the small percentage of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere today?
Some carbon dioxide has dissolved in the oceans
Carbon dioxide has been used to form sedimentary rocks
Some carbon dioxide has been locked up in fossil fuels
There has always only been a small amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
The carbon cycle locks away carbon dioxide. The Earth needs some carbon dioxide so that plants can photosynthesise and also to help to keep the average temperature of the Earth at about 15°C, but if there is too much, there would be a runaway greenhouse effect and the Earth would become uninhabitable
8 .
At one time in the Earth's formation, some of the surface iron was oxidised. What gas in the atmosphere could NOT have caused this change?
Carbon dioxide
Water vapour
Nitrogen is almost inert, it is very hard to get it to react with anything
9 .
Which of the following developments is NOT as a result of concerns about carbon dioxide levels and global warming?
Use of ethanol as a fuel in cars
Use of diesel oil instead of petrol in cars
Use of vegetable oils as a fuel in cars
Development of electric cars
Diesel is also a hydrocarbon obtained from fossil fuels and produces carbon dioxide when burnt
10 .
The change in carbon dioxide concentration in the last 50 years is thought to be a result of...
increased volcanic activity
increase in the use of fossil fuels
variation in the sun's energy output
increase in ocean temperatures
More and more people have cars and the developing countries have a greater need for energy as they become more industrialised
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Developing the atmosphere

Author:  Kate Gardiner

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