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Metals - Extraction of Metals
If aluminium cans are not recycled, they can affect the environment by filling up landfill sites.

Metals - Extraction of Metals

In this GCSE Chemistry quiz, one of a series on metals, we look at the extraction of metals such as copper from both high grade and low grade ores.

The knowledge of how to extract metals from their ores has played an incredibly important role in every known civilisation. The ability to make coins, tools and weapons from metals has changed the way lives are lead. The first metal to be used in many areas of life is thought to be copper in around 4,000BC. This is probably because copper is an easy metal to smelt. It was used to make saws and axes but until humans learned to alloy it with tin to make bronze, these weren't particularly good tools!

The reason why it is necessary to smelt metals is that they react with other materials like oxygen, sulfur etc to form compounds. Only a small number of unreactive metals, like gold for instance, occur native (naturally as the metal itself).

1 .
Metals can be extracted from low grade ores using plants. This process is called...
Any scientific word beginning with phyto is something to do with plants (phyto is the ancient Greek word for plant)
2 .
Choose the correct order of reactivity for the five metals.
Mg, Al, Zn, Fe, Sn
Al, Zn, Fe, Sn, Mg
Al, Mg, Fe, Zn, Sn
Sn, Zn, Fe, Al, Mg
Remember 'MAZIT'
3 .
Ores are the starting point for extracting metals because...
ores contain enough metal to make it economically viable
it is easy to extract metals from ores
there are large amounts of metal in ores
ores are found in many locations
That is the definition of an ore
4 .
Which of the following is a disadvantage of extracting copper by bioleaching?
Bioleaching uses low grade ores
Bioleaching is slower
Bioleaching is more economical
Bioleaching uses less energy
As always, there are advantages and disadvantages of any method of mining, in the end, it usually comes down to cost-effectiveness. If the mining company can make a profit, even from a slow method like bioleaching, they will use it
5 .
Why is aluminium extracted using electrolysis?
Aluminium is more reactive than carbon
Electrolysis is a cheap process
Aluminium is less reactive than carbon
Very little energy is required for electrolysis
Aluminium is a very reactive metal but is protected by a tough layer of aluminium oxide, hiding its true reactivity in everyday situations
6 .
Which of these metals is found as itself rather than in a compound?
Gold is an extremely unreactive metal so it is found as the metal itself, rather than combined with any other element
7 .
One reason for researching new methods to extract copper from low grade ores is...
more copper is being found
less copper is being used
low grade ores contain a large amount of copper
the price of copper has risen significantly
There is still some copper available in the waste heaps from copper mining but it is uneconomical to find ways to recover it until the price of copper becomes high
8 .
Which of the following shows a balanced chemical equation for the reduction of iron ore in the blast furnace?
Fe2O3 +3CO → 2Fe +3CO2
Fe2O3 +2CO → Fe +3CO2
Fe2O3 +CO → Fe +CO2
Fe2O3 +3CO → 2Fe +CO2
Reduction can be defined in several ways, here, it can be defined as the removal of oxygen
9 .
Copper can be obtained from its ore by displacement using scrap iron because...
copper is more reactive than iron
iron is more reactive than copper
scrap iron is cheaper than copper
copper reacts with iron
More reactive elements will displace less reactive metals from their compounds
10 .
If aluminium cans are not recycled, they can affect the environment by...
producing poisonous gases
causing acid rain
filling up landfill sites
corroding rapidly in rivers and lakes
There are many other benefits to recycling
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Metals and their extraction

Author:  Kate Gardiner

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