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Let's Have Fun! - Verbs
At the weekend my uncle likes to go sailing.

Let's Have Fun! - Verbs

Quiz playing is a wonderful way to increase your knowledge of English as a Second Language. Remember that all of our ESL quizzes have titles that are both friendly and technical at the same time… In the case of this quiz you might like to tell your friends about the quiz called “Let's Have Fun” but your teacher will probably talk to you about "Verbs". If you hear a technical term and you want to find a quiz about the subject then just look through the list of quiz titles until you find what you need.

Yes, let's have fun... with verb choices! Verbs are known as "doing" or action words. "Sing", "Dance", "Talk", "Fly", "Think" are all verbs. When you play this quiz, the verb is "play"', because that's what you are doing - playing the quiz! In each of these questions, only ONE answer contains the right verb: which one is it?

Complete the sentence with the correct verb.
There are trees in front of our house, so it is a bit hard to ...
... fine it.
... found it.
... find it.
... finish it.
Listen carefully in your 'mind's ear' to how this word sounds.
Complete the sentence with the correct verb.
I'm going to find somewhere quiet where I can ...
... eet my lunch.
... ete my lunch.
... eight my lunch.
... eat my lunch.
Sometimes the short, common words are hard to remember!
Complete the sentence with the correct verb.
At the weekend my uncle likes to ... ... sailing.
... do ...
... make ...
... play ...
... go ...
These are all good verbs, but only one of them is 'right' in English.
Complete the sentence with the correct verb.
There were too many people on the boat, so it began to ...
... sink.
... think.
... drink.
... drop.
Think carefully about the sound here!
Complete the sentence with the correct verb.
It will probably take you about twenty minutes to ... ... to the station from here.
... work ...
... walk ...
... wauk ...
... wolk ...
This is one of those 'funny' everyday words, but it's only 4 letters ... and we use it (and do it) all the time!
Complete the sentence with the correct verb.
Next Saturday we're going to the circus to ...
... wash the clowns.
... watch the clowns.
... wotch the clowns.
... what the clowns.
This may not look quite as you expect it to, from how it sounds!
Complete the sentence with the correct verb.
We'll all feel warmer when the fire starts ... ... the room.
... hitting ...
... heeting ...
... heating ...
... heading ...
Well, if you don't have a fire, you might have radiators that bring hot water from a boiler, and we call such a system 'central ...' ( ... what?) If you know that phrase, you'll know the right answer!
Complete the sentence with the correct verb.
Nobody in our group ... ... where we are going.
... no's ...
... nose ...
... knows ...
... noughs ...
A 'funny' spelling here; but which one?
Complete the sentence with the correct verb.
Please be careful with that thing, or you might easily ...
... brake it.
... breek it.
... break it.
... broke it.
This is a really common verb, but check your spelling!
Complete the sentence with the correct verb.
Soon I will be more confident when I ... ... in English.
... red and rite ...
... reed and right ...
... rede and wright ...
... read and write ...
'Two verbs for the price of one' here ... so you need to recognise both of them.
Author:  Ian Miles

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