Find out what 'pushing up daisies' means in this quiz.
Let's put it another way tests you on euphemisms.
Just like anyone else, English-speakers are born, die, have children etc. ~ but there are a whole range of less direct ways of speaking about these experiences. We usually call these 'euphemisms' and we can be fairly confident that your own language has similar, politer expressions, which may work the same way as ours or use different images again.
Of course, it's very important that you are aware of these things so that you don't miss a 'clue' (e.g. about someone's medical problems) and find yourself creating unnecessary embarrassment.
Let's see, then, how English 'puts things another way'. We apologise in advance for raising these matters, but they are all part of life ... and, therefore, of language!
If such circumstances did arise, you would not be the first person to have such a reaction to 'foreign' food; so it would be no bad thing to know what to say in order to keep the situation from becoming even more awkward!