Take this challenge on noun phrases and improve your English language!
English is rich in words which can be used as nouns, verbs or often any other part of speech. We also have a relatively simple grammar with few inflections (changes to the spelling, often on the tail end of a word, to confirm what its function is and where it fits within a sentence). This much, you probably already knew ...
But it then means that we can chain together ~ see: 'chain' as a verb! ~ quite long strings of nouns to make a compact piece of language out of a fairly complex story. The classic situation for this is in a newspaper headline.
Here are some examples for you to work on!
'Hit' is a short, sharp word meaning that one thing that's happened has a direct, and presumably bad, effect on something else.
Meanwhile it's not the buses that are on strike, of course, but the people who would otherwise have been driving them. This too is a kind of 'shorthand'; but 'bus strike' would be fairly familiar and understandable to the British travelling public