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‘Between ourselves’ tests you on prepositions.
Prepositions are such handy and vital words ... yet speakers of various languages use them surprisingly differently.
In French, for instance, you would (quite logically) come in from 'under' the rain and get 'under' a warm shower, whereas in English we would more naturally say 'in from the rain (or 'out of the rain'), and into a shower'.
English also says 'between ourselves' (as does the French, 'entre nous'), while German idiomatically uses 'unter uns' ( = 'under us').
So you do have to watch carefully how English does such things!
'Animal Farm' is a good read (and not too long; around 100 pages in a typical standard paperback edition), which we would recommend for all sorts of reasons: a fairly recent classic novel (though Orwell titles it as 'a fairy story'), told in consistently good English, with a strong socio-political point, but which can be read with enjoyment on a variety of 'levels'.
If your own country happens to have any totalitarianism in its present system, or within living-memory history, you will find it especially interesting.