This educational map provides interesting facts and information about the towns and villages of Lincolnshire. The maps enable enthusiastic parents to become involved with the education of their children and have some fun at the same time. Armed with our seven Lincolnshire maps (including the numerous “fun facts”!) it is possible for parents to convey the fascination of local history as well as the significance of places with which their children are familiar. Visiting as many of the Lincolnshire towns and villages as possible will provide invaluable experience to help with children’s local history and geography lessons at school.
New to our educational maps? Here are some brief instructions:
1. Click on the items in the blue bar above to be taken to the map of your choice
2. Left click the mouse in the map and drag to move the map around within the frame
3. Use the slider near the top left hand corner of the map to expand and contract the scale
4. Click on any pin to see details of the item