Look carefully at each question before you choose your answer!
This Word-Number quiz will test your code-cracking skills!
In our first Word-Number Quiz you were dealing with 'inference' from an incompletely number-coded batch of four-letter words. This time you will be cracking ten-digit substitution codes and sometimes coding answers back - but don't worry. You'll be helped by some clues along the way.
You might find this second 11-Plus Verbal Reasoning quiz on Word-Number Codes a little more difficult than the first but you'll soon get the hang of it. The process of decoding words is much the same. It can do you no harm to experience other parts and angles to the coding process!
Be sure to read each question carefully - a misread number can mean the difference between CORRECT and CONNECT! Also, pay attention to the helpful comments after each question. They will shed much-needed light onto how the codes are worked out.