Some students find homework easy, but others find it difficult. What about you?
Most of these words connect by being synonyms. A synonym is a similar meaning word, such as poorly and ill.
In this series of quizzes, you have to find TWO words, ONE from each set in brackets that will complete the sentence in the most sensible way. Choose the correct answer from the four choices available. The correct answer might be two opposites, two synonyms, or two words that share another characteristic.
In this particular 11-Plus Verbal Reasoning quiz the words you are looking for antonyms and synonyms - words with opposite or similar meanings. For example, antonyms of fear include bravery, courage and confidence. Synonyms of fear include anxiety, nervousness and worry.
After you've answered a question you'll find a helpful comment which will explain in detail why the answer is correct. If you find any of the questions difficult, then do read the helpful comment as it may help to explain things more clearly!