Same Meaning looks at words that are synonyms.
As in our 11-Plus Verbal Reasoning Same Meaning 1 quiz, each sentence here contains a word in CAPITAL letters: you need to pick the answer that offers the nearest meaning to this word.
If you enjoy reading a variety of books, you'll come across lots of new words that authors use in place of everyday, ordinary words such as: nice, good, walk and said. Some authors love to show off their rich vocabulary and you can end up spending more time looking up words in a dictionary than reading the actual book!
A trick that might help you is to look for words that have the opposite meaning and eliminate them. If you are unsure about the meaning of any of the words you see in these quizzes, check them in the dictionary. Remember, our quizzes are here to help you do well at school and pass any tests and exams - they are not meant to catch you out.